Wednesday 25 March 2020


I guess that I'm staying in my bubble now. 
The Old Girl comes home tonight so then it'll be our bubble for at least a month.

It's a beautiful day here - blue skies and sunshine but playing golf is discouraged and from tomorrow will be forbidden. I think I'll go for a walk though after lunch.

I stayed in all morning as the car windscreen fix-it guys were coming. The car passed its W.O.F. last week but provisional on replacing the windscreen due to a bad stone chip. The Toyota people recommended a mobile service which I used and  the service was excellent. All done now and the insurance company pays. The guys have another couple of jobs this afternoon and then they are in lockdown for a month (or more).

The Old Girl's employers closed all of their offices and employees have been instructed to work from home. She elected to do this from up here rather than being stuck in the Wellington apartment. She will finish a couple of projects and then take some leave so that, if the weather stays good we'll be able to kayak and walk together seeing that we will be bubble buddies.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

thanks for the update. " Bad stone chip" sounds like a Trumpism.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Not your best post.

At least this post won't feel alone.

Richard (of RBB) said...

So, all those Curmudgeons are sitting at home. Where are all the posts?


The Old Girl has taken over the study.
Be kind.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Haven't all those Curmudgeons got their own offices?


We work on the 'hot desk' system.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Tell Lynn you need to computer for blogging.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

He's probably in his shed.


To computers?
I only need one.
She has her own computer at the other end of the bench that runs the width of the room but she reckons that I make noises that distract her.
She also is on lots of video calls and doesn't want me in the study then.

Kind of like this: