Sunday 29 March 2020


It seems that Robert's god favours us up here better than those sinners in Wellington where he/she/it has sent the great flood to wash them away and cleanse their souls in the process.

That's pretty bizarre logic there by the man in the sky - "I'll save you by drowning you" but then, nothing makes sense in religion.

Up North we've had a great day - warm, sunny, windless, peaceful - a great Sunday, great enough to make a person believe in g ........ no, we won't go that far.

I lay in bed reading this morning before taking a photo with the new iPhone. I'm glad it works.

I must admit that I lazed about a bit while The Old Girl was working in the study. She doesn't let me in the study while she's working so I couldn't get near my computer except for when I was allowed access to complete and send the Probus newsletter that I'd written.

I didn't go for a walk today as the old ticker has been playing up but I did go for a swim about midday.
It was a little bracing at first but, once in was warm and refreshing both.

I have to admit that I'm happy that we didn't get stuck in isolation at either the Auckland or Wellington apartments. It's pretty bearable here.

An unexpected advantage is that with way less traffic on the roads it's much safer to ride my bike around these country roads and I'll take advantage of it when I feel a bit better (the medication I had to take for a week before the now-cancelled cardioversion op has fucked me up a bit, I'll stop taking it now and should get back to normal.).

I've finished the latest Lee Childs 'New' Jack Reacher book. Rubbish.

I think this lockdown will spur me on to re-reading, and, in some cases finish reading some of the 'hard-to-read' classics like In Search of Lost Time, Finnegan's Wake, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, War and Peace and others that are gathering dust on the bookshelves.

I hope all is well with everyone.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Look after yourself old fella.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Maybe you will be spurred to re read that old classic "The Bible".


Mmmmm ..... where did I put those old newspapers?