Thursday 19 March 2020


* That's a funny saying and kind of suggests masochism.

Anyway, yesterday after seeing shelves 'stripped' of goods in the supermarkets yesterday, I went to get some money from a cash machine.
I don't often carry cash but needed some to pay a couple of local bills. I found a machine outside a bank but had to form a queue - there were three people in front of me. I hadn't experienced this before - queuing for money - and immediately thought of the bare supermarket shelves.

I hope that we don't get a run on money and panic withdrawals.

Most countries and banks  only carry small amounts of cash and a run would be devastating.
Panic withdrawals would also add to crime as you can imagine old age pensioners with mattresses stuffed with cash being prime targets for burglars, home invaders and robbers.

Let's hope that it doesn't come to that*

* Although I winder given how many people are already overreacting.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I 'winder' more about your proof reading!

"Anyway, yesterday after seeing shelves 'stripped' of goods in the supermarkets yesterday, I went to get some money from a cash machine."
Okay, now for sure we know it happened yesterday.

Makes one 'winder'.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Another twist to this sorry saga.


Yes, you're correct. It comes from the verb 'to wonder'.

It means to become upset, or more correctly to upset oneself.


"Another twist to this sorry saga."

That's rich coming from someone who believes that when he attends mass he is chewing on a bit of his god's body.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes really. Scientists have found that there is a missing something in the Host they call it Jesus.


So there's no Jesus in the host then.
You know, I suspected that.

Richard (of RBB) said...

a device or mechanism used to wind something, especially something such as a watch or clock or the film in a camera.


You've been going to the wrong schools.
It winders me.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

"So there's no Jesus in the host then.
You know, I suspected that."

Silly person of course Jesus is in the host!


"Yes really. Scientists have found that there is a missing something in the Host they call it Jesus."

I read that as saying that the missing something is Jesus - ergo, Jesus is missing.


"Silly person of course Jesus is in the host!"

Anyway, that statement is so stupid it beggars belief.

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