Sunday 1 March 2020


I did two loads of washing today and have done one today and hung it up.


Where's the rain? 

Murphy's Law states somewhere that it must rain if you hang the washing up, go for a walk without an umbrella, wash the car,  or plan any activity outdoors.

This is a worry. The Northland drought is interfering in my pagan beliefs like: touching wood for good luck; being careful not to break mirrors; bad luck comes in threes; a rabbit's foot will bring you luck; black cats crossing your path is a sign of bad luck; don't walk under a ladder; find a penny, pick it up for luck; etc.

I might have to resort to the arcane teachings in the Catechism and say a few Hail Marys on my rosary beads (I'll have to make a set using string and chick peas) although Robert will no doubt find some Catholic rules that forbid this.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I bought Sue a nice pair of Rosary beads and had Father bless them.

For myself I bought the cheapest string version like we had at primary school.
I only use them on Sunday because I keep them in my suit jacket which I refer to as my Sunday uniform.

I mostly do not use beads at all. I've found that if I pronounce the number of each hail Mary before saying it my brain mostly recalls where I am up to.
It's like saying aloud "Yes the door is locked".


You should have called me. I can make you some. I have lots of chick peas.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Thanks but one set of Rosary beads lasts a long time.