Friday 22 May 2020


The National party in Opposition has elected a new leader to replace the bumbling and bungling Simon Bridges. No surprise there but I am a bit concerned at his replacement - a sort of hybrid cross between John Key and Bill English. Should we be worried? I think so.

Todd Muller came to Parliament in 2014 at the end of Key's reign.
He was a Young Nat and assisted National PM Jim Bolger in his office which isn't surprising giving his farming family background.

His business background before 2014 was in agriculture and farming related business - specifically kiwi fruit and with Fonterra so he's well qualified to lose billions of dollars. Hold on to your seat folks.

Robert will be pleased with him as obviously he is a Nat but is also a big lover of USA politics. Maybe he'll promote a MAKE NEW ZEALAND GREAT AGAIN cap. The acronym isn't much cop though - MNZGA - which sounds like a drunk guy telling you he's a Minister.

Another reason for Robert to like him is that apparently he's a Catholic and is anti-abortion and anti-euthanasia. No doubt he takes the Catholic party line on those other Catholic and Christian issues too, (remember Israel Folau?) but maybe has too much political sense to say them out loud.

One good thing is that he is a Climate Change supporter and was National's climate change spokesperson, being at odds from time to time with some of the National deniers. In his Fonterra role however he took more of a company line than that of a Green spokesperson but that is par for the course.

I hope that I'm wrong about this guy but we've seen some shockers in the past leading National who've made money for the rich and trodden on the less privileged.

With luck he can be just a voice in opposition.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

But if every individual has a rational nature shouldn't we be doing our best to give them the respect they deserve?


Who says that I'm rational?

The heading for my blog reads:

THE CURMUDGEONS INC. wishes to advise readers that any news, snippets of information, comments, editorials etc in this blog is near enough to the truth but we cannot guarantee accuracy, fairness or unbias. In the interest of satirical humour we expect readers to understand this."

In the light of this I will take a negative stance against The National Party, any future National Government, The USA Republican Party, Donald Trump's Administration and Presidency, Donald Trump and his family and fascists, right wing governments and institutions and the idiots who support them everywhere.

Even without the premise of the blog as in that heading, being a non-rational person I still take a negative stance against The National Party, any future National Government, The USA Republican Party, Donald Trump's Administration and Presidency, Donald Trump and his family and fascists, right wing governments and institutions and the idiots who support them everywhere.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Can you repeat that?