Friday 22 May 2020


The electrician called around early this morning and we affixed the new snooker-room lights to the ceiling.

It makes a huge difference to the illumination of the table so I'm looking forward to trying it out at night.

The Old Girl and I will have a pool challenge tomorrow evening.
This is a regular event accompanied by a bottle of Champagne or Deutz sparkling.

The three lamp idea is just right for this room and table.

I'm happy.

I dismantled the 'Heath Robinson' scaffolding I built and got Rod to help me to return the plank to the neighbour down the road.

This time I made Rod walk in single file so we were able to keep to the side of the road. This was just as well as a car came along when we were halfway there.

Heath Robinson invention

*When the cords stretch out a bit I'll see about evening them up by use of a clip.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

'The Old Girl and I will have a pool challenge tomorrow evening.'

Everyone knows women just want to do women things.

If you really wanted a pool challenge you would invite a real man like … Richard to play you.*

*He has been known to cheat.


Mmmm - making a joke of sorts I hope.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Well no. I'd put my money on Richard winning and kicking your arse in any challenge.


That would not happen and if you were a rational person you would know that.