Sunday 3 May 2020


In a recent post Robert (Imagine if everyone loved God) said that, as a commercial cleaner, he's on the front line. He sees this COVID-19 pandemic as warfare and, maybe he's right.*

He published a photograph of himself in full battle dress when back at work this week.
All good.

He also said in the same post that while in full battle gear, at work he regales instructs fellow workers about the Catechism and the Catholic faith.

This got me thinking that wartime Robert is more like a chaplain than a soldier.
Maybe he could get a little silver cross or a fish brooch to wear in his hat.

That way fellow workers can be warned alerted to his intentions.

* He also often writes the disease as COVERT-19 so maybe he sees it as an undercover war like the COLD WAR of the 60s and 70s.



I do respect the work that Robert and other cleaners do though as they are the ones who have to deal with all the shit that careless and stupid people leave behind. They deserve more recognition and money for this.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Writing your own comments now I see.


Yes, I learned that from you although I'm not as obsessive about it.