Friday 29 May 2020


In our bay - McLeod Bay - we get all sorts of marine life in addition to the abundant fish species of snapper, John Dory, kingfish, kahawai flounder and others.

Stingray patrol the beaches and the occasional seal turns up.

OWHA being friendly
Last year Owha the 300kg leopard seal (named maybe because if you get too close to her you're likely to exclaim "Oh Fuck!" as you get chased away) spent some time here sunbathing on the swimming platform.

OWHA being pissed off

It's not unusual to see dolphin and orca coming into the bay to chase stingray but this afternoon we had a humpback whale in the bay having a cruise around.

It's only a coincidence but I'm cooking fish (snapper) for my tea tonight.

* The Humpback of Notre Dame.


Richard (of RBB) said...

What a post! Can we please have a series?



No problem.
If you like I can create a dedicated Whale Curmudgeon for you as well.


Oh! I just noticed that 'NOT' at the bottom of your comment.

How rude!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

You are blessed to live near such a wonderful bay.

THE WINE GUY said...

Yes, but I'd like OWHA to find her way to Wainuiomartianland and bite Richard on the bum.

THE WINE GUY said...

Robert's gone.

I guess the conflict was too much for him.
He'd only just been delivered his 'saviour', the lovely blue (and red-hatted) Todd Muller who was everything that he'd been dreaming of - tall, National, manly, right-leaning, full of promises (lies) about supporting small businesses, Catholic, anti gays, anti- abortion, anti- euthanasia - and then Jacinda comes along to meet him. She, representing the only viable political party that truly supports the worker and the small (as in non-corporate) businessman said hello to him. She smiled and asked him what he does. Like Judas Iscariot he had to slink away.

Robert's gone again.