Tuesday 1 February 2022



An alter ego of Richard's, one who hasn't yet attained blog status, Evil Doctor Richard (don't ask) purported to interview me about cycling. This turned into a bit of a rant against cyclists  with his views  thinly disguised as my answers. All I can say is TRY IT ON SON (as I couldn't find the Jack Regan gif with him saying "On yer bike!").

Anyway, in Richard's comment on my previous post "FOUR WHEELS GOOD, TWO WHEEL'S BAD" he confessed to having ridden a bike as a kid:

He used to live in Northland, Wellington, a known area of depravity and degeneracy. His nickname, given his likely mode of transport was 'The Neighbourhood Trike'.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, that didn't really go anywhere.
Failed Sonata form.
An exposition but no development or recapitulation.


I'm sorry about that.
My first reprise, the exposition was, I think, 'en point' (for those who didn't qualify for the 3P class this is a French term and means - 'on point). The second reprise should have contained the development and recapitulation but, frankly, I've been distracted today at learning of the depth of Robert's dislike of women (post soon to be published). The exposition had two core sections called the primary theme and secondary theme. You will of course have seen these in my acknowledgement of Richard's blog post (as Evil Doctor Richard), and then, as counterpoint, the riposte (sorry 3G and 3P2 students) being the expose of Richard's tike riding back in the 1960s.