Wednesday 23 February 2022


 I got up early (ish) this morning to do some more paving work before it got too hot. 

I managed to bed down the last three paving slabs on a 10:1 gravel/cement base and line them up with the other seven before the sun made things uncomfortable.

 I'll go into town tomorrow to buy some crushed stone or shell mixture for putting between the slabs.

I did a bit of calculation (arithmetic not calculus) - although calculus is designed to deal with problems where variables change with time and for solving practical engineering problems - to determine the quantity of shell that I'll need.

I measured the total length of the area and multiplied by the widths of the sides. To this I added the sum of the areas between each paving stone. The total came to approximately 4 square metres. I measured the depth that I want the shell or stone to go to which is 3 cm. Multiplying this by the 4 square metres gave me 0.09 cubic metres. It's hardly worth taking the trailer into a builders yard to ask for 0.09 cubic metres of material so I'll buy it in bags from Bunnings or Mitre 10. They have bags of the stuff but are measured in litres e.g. 15 litre bags. I converted my calculation of square meterage to litres (multiply by 1000) giving me a requirement of 90 litres. Dividing 90 by 15 means that I'm going to need 6 bags of material. I'll buy 3 bags as a starter to see how I go.

I was 'boiling hot' so went in for a swim. It was great.When I got out I told The Old Girl that I'd been in for a dip.

"Yes, I heard you" she said.

"You mean the gentle swishing as I glided through the water?" I queried.

"Mmm, just like Aqua Man" she answered.

I felt well chuffed until I realised that she was being sarcastic. Bloody Aqua Man. If he's so bloody good why doesn't he swim in the Olympics?

I told her that I'd finished the 'bedding down' of the paving slabs and we could now fill in with stone or shell mix.

We had a little conversation:

Her: "They are even?" 

Me: "I've got a spirit level"

Her: "Yes, but I know you. Are they even?"

Me: "I looked up on the internet. Paving slabs need to settle so exact measurements at first are unnecessary".

Her: "What website did you look up?

Me: ""

Her: "Harrumph!"


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

You've done a wonderful job. Jesus will be pleased with you.


Your Jesus died a couple of millennia ago so he would never have known about my gardening exploits and obviously would be unable to have an opinion on them.

Richard (of RBB) said...

The good news though is that Zeus is pleased with the result.


You'd have to be a Cretan to believe that.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Jesus knows everything.


"Jesus knows everything."

Is that right?
Does he know:

- The answer to Fermat's last theorem?
- Where love goes when it dies?
- Why children suffer and die from disease, hunger and warfare?
- Why the Catholic Church still won't face up to its responsibilities re pedophile priests, brothers and nuns?
- Where Lynn put the superglue after she used it last?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Why his name is frequently used when you hit your toe.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Should have had a question mark Richard.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Though in hindsight the five questions of Peter are really statements and do not require "?".

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

And "Why his name is..." is a statement and I take that back. Sorry Richard.

Richard (of RBB) said...

My statement does not require a question mark. Robert, you have the grammar of an eight year old.

Richard (of RBB) said...

A statement, "Why is..." would require a question mark.