Saturday 19 February 2022


 I haven't lost my phone yet today and it's already the afternoon. There's still time I guess.

This morning I did some more levelling of the path where the pavers will go - in this never-ending job - and tried out the placement of the edging boards I bought yesterday (yes there will be a separate post on this).

It was getting too hot so I stopped work and then went for a swim.

As I was  getting into deeper water I wondered if that great white shark that killed a swimmer in Sydney the other day has reached our shores yet. Why wouldn't the Aussies deport a killer shark? They send all sorts of other killers and criminals to New Zealand.

Scotch egg for lunch

* The title of this post was inspired by Robert's blog (yes, really). The content is as well. Why bother writing something long, complex and sensible when he won't read it anyway and, if he did would somehow construe that it had something to do with religion, abortion, gay rights or communism.


Richard (of RBB) said...

God was watching out for your phone. Well, that was before the god eating penguin tracked him down.
"Man loses many things in a lifetime, some important and others not. He gets to know his inner self through study within the cosmos and by being aware of the wolf that is ever present. God made the wolf to hunt into the soul of man." John Sheepdip.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

"if you desire to know your soul, the first step is to recognize that you have a soul." Gary Zukav.


"A man has many soles in his lifetime as when he is born the great cobbler in the sky provides him with a pack of spares. Some use these up quickly through carelessness, too much listening to African American gospel singing, visiting too many art galleries and over-indulgence in country cooking. Fortunately, if the spares are used up an emergency 6-pack can be acquired by reciting this prayer made up by Sister Mary Fruitloop of Northhampton:"Father Cobbler, I offer to you the body, blood, semen, snot, shit, piss and sole of your son Jimmy Choo, for our overuse of our soles and for the shufflings of the whole world."

- Sam Shoemaker (priest of the Episcopal Church)