Sunday 13 February 2022


 It's been raining for 10 days straight now. My garden paving job has been put on hold and, surprisingly, I'm keen to get back into it.

We have cyclone Dovi battering us at present and the forecast is for more rain in the coming week. This is shaping up to be like one of Robert's biblical catastrophes.

He (Robert) might claim that the fact that I'm an atheist isn't doing my cause any good. Atheists are bad people you know.

Well, as much as anything christians say are facts.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

To suggest that a cyclone passing over the country is equal to an account in the old testament of the entire known world (at that time) being completely submerged is inaccurate to say the least.
I do not really believe in atheists. "There is no atheist in a fox hole" somebody said. Everybody has a soul and God's divine mercy reaches out to us all. Humanity is bad, Christians too, because we all lack grace.
Stop moaning and get out there and earn some grace!


Let's try to dissect that diatribe.

It's a bit off suggesting that my comment about the flood had no substance when that whole biblical flood thing itself was fiction, and fiction at a junior reader level at that.

"I do not really believe in atheists." is a remarkably stupid statement even for you Robert. Most people in the world are atheists in that they don't believe in gods and think that religions are nonsense.

Everyone does have a soul or a sense of being about them. Thats just common sense but has nothing to do with "God's divine mercy". Get a grip man.

If I "earn grace" it is most likely from the community work I get involved in, my interactions with and assistance for my family and from writing my very helpful blog posts.*

* One of those is a fabrication.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Thanks for the helpful blog posts.