Wednesday 2 February 2022


 I notice that Robert's taken to creating religious messages in photographs as seen in his latest post.

To me though this looks more like a dolphin or a porpoise than a god.

Never mind.

Richard the parallel universer did a post on this but he thought that it looked like a sperm whale.
Maybe he's got sperm on his head:

Robert's photograph got me thinking though. I know that he spends a lot of money at the church shop buying holy pictures. Maybe he could create his own and on-sell them in the church shop (under the counter of course). There seems to be quite a demand for these:

It'd probably make commercial sense for him to differentiate from the competitors and to spice his up a bit though - they are, after all, under the counter.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Look, you're not the messiah, you're just a very naughty boy!