Monday 28 November 2022


I've posted previously on the hassles of shopping for women. Here's one of the posts: UNDER PRESSURE 

The other day when shopping in the supermarket The Old Girl had added to the list  - Johnson's facial wipes.

Of course, there were none of those in stock so I bought Neutrogena facial wipes instead.

That was wrong apparently as, when I returned home she said "Matey, when I write down what I want and they don't have it, don't substitute. OK?" Sheesh!

I'm heading off to the supermarket later this morning and noticed this item that she's added to the list-  'rooting hormone'. What the fuck? (apt). What the hell is 'rooting hormone'? Is it some sort of Viagra? What the hell is she suggesting? Even if I did ask shop assistants for, well, assistance, and I don't,  I'd be too embarrassed to ask for 'rooting hormone'. Sheesh!


Richard (of RBB) said...

Lots of posts, not many comments.

Come over and learn from me.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Here's another comment. You poor old guys!

Richard (of RBB) said...

So is that the last post for the year?

(3 comments now. Lucky you!)

THE WINE GUY said...

I've been busy.
Life doesn't revolve around blogging you know.
I played tennis, went shopping and bought some 'attic lights' - hey! I can write a post about that after I install them tomorrow.
Thanks for the inspiration, or is that instigation?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Look, if there is no time to write about the attic lights, that is fine.

Please believe me.

Fair go.


There is absolutely no rush.

Take Lynn out, or something.

Hey, life is short but your two readers can wait.

Indefinitely, if necessary.

Richard (of RBB) said...


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

You do have a following. Sue read this blog out loud to me and we both agreed it contained much truth.