Tuesday 1 November 2022


 Richard got it wrong again.

He wrote a post - well, an unfinished post, about my local tennis club see: HERE

The post is full of errors and inconsistencies like:

  • He called the right wing guy I argue with 'Glen' when his name is actually Mike.
  • He said that we sat at tables drinking beer when the strongest thing drunk is coffee**
It's a shame really when educators go to seed but he is pretty old.

Here's a pic of the tennis club that is on Google Earth:

 I wasn't there that day so don't strain your eyes trying to find me. Mike is there though on the left at the far end of the left-hand court.

It was 24 degrees today - the warmest day for a while. After tennis I came home and went for a swim - the first dip of the season. It was great and I tried out my new goggles that I bought back in April.

What do you think? Are they a chick magnet or what?

* Hail Mary: an extremely high lob, used for defensive purposes when out of position

** And the coffee is weak as shit instant muck that tastes like dishwater. I give it a miss and make a real coffee when I get home, see: GETTING OLD AND SLOW


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Do goggles really work? Mine always misted up and the water was so opaque that there was nothing to see.


Mine work.
Misting up can be sorted by spitting on the inside lens and rubbing.

The water here was crystal clear. It only gets murky after heavy rain causes run off from the hills.