Wednesday 30 November 2022


 I promised to write a post on the attic lights installation.

This was supposed to go along the lines of:

  1. A photo of the attic ladder.
  2. A photo of the attic as it is currently (dark).
  3. Narrative of the job to be done.
  4. Some pics of the string lights I bought from Bunnings.
  5. A cartoon or funny image of a useless handyman getting entangled in string lights.
  6. A photo of the hammer (not rubber) to be used and the cable holders.
  7. Running narrative of the job in progress.
  8. A photo of the installed lights (bright).
  9. Another cartoon deemed to be appropriate.
  10. Maybe an inappropriate cartoon.
  11. A photo of the attic ladder back in place and the hatch closed.
  12. Job done.
Well, this morning I installed the string lights and I'm very happy with them. They are better than I anticipated and I'm going to buy some more to cover the whole attic area. The Arlec 5 x 9W lights can be linked safely to 3 other sets. You'll have to wait for this update however as The Old Girl has just driven off to Auckland until Sunday so I don't have a car to get into town.

I forgot to take before and after photographs which is why the post has been cancelled.

Sorry about that.

Here's a gratuitous and inappropriate cartoon to make up for it.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Why do I suddenly feel very muddled?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

It's the cartoon. You really have to stop thinking with your willy.