Friday 4 November 2022


 Tell me what's been happening?

I thought I'd toss in a quasi-religious link there for Robert as a sop for the irreverent post that The Religious Curmudgeon published today. Maybe he can put a good word in for me if god, the saints and the angels get their knickers in a twist.*

I've had a reasonably busy day having got up early to mow the lawn and 'weed-eat' the weeds before it got too hot. After that I finished the painting I've been doing at the front of the house - painting the 'flashing' or whatever it's called above the new French doos to the bedroom and some other bits and pieces.

I went to our local Hammer Hardware store to buy a wire-brush, some rust proofer and some silicon seal as I need to clean up the metal top of the 'flashing' to take advantage of the scaffolding which the builder wants back soon.

It's a good view from the top of the ladder and scaffolding and I was keeping a look out for the dolphin who appeared last evening. I was at the end of the house and Lynn came down to tell me that she'd been watching two dolphin splashing around in the water just in front of the house. It was about 6.30 and was beginning to go dark as it was a rainy day when she heard the splashing from the kitchen. She thought it strange that anyone would be swimming at that time and went down to the road to see. The two dolphin were most likely chasing and feeding on stingray. Even though it was high tide it's very unusual to see dolphin come in so close. They were right on the shore line that at high tide laps at the bottom of a grassy bank from the road. 

By the time she told me about them it was nearly fully dark and I had to use a spotlight lamp to see them which I shone from the deck. It really was a treat and just one of the many nice things about living here.

Do gods, saints and angels wear knickers?



OK, as you've discerned this it means that you've taken steps to verify the truth of the statement.

Come on - share it.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I loved the JC Superstar clip.