Thursday 28 September 2023


 No, for once I'm not bewildered about some bizarre Catholic claim made by Robert - I'm referring to another sort of nutter, Liz Gunn.

A billboard for her 'political party' has gone up near our place.


Which explains the conspiracy oriented flyers we've received in our letterbox over the last couple of years. Some conspiracy theory nutter must live where the sign has gone up. 

What does that mean?
When asked Gunn said that the slogan refers to "the globalists" which I admit is a bit like Robert trying to explain transubstantiation.

New Zealand Loyal

In June 2023 Gunn announced a new political party, New Zealand Loyal. In the launch video she discussed conspiracies involving fluoridation, 1080, Bill Gates, "gender programming", the World Economic Forum, media, the  15-minute city urban planning concept, the "brown mafia", and odd weather patterns. She said that it is a compliment to be called a conspiracy theorist and requested donations of up to $1,000,000. Her ambition at the time was to have 500 people (the minimum required to register a party) join within a week.

New Zealand Loyal was registered two months later on 28 August 2023. Its official logo includes the slogan, "Loyal to You, Not to Them". Gunn said that the slogan refers to "the globalists".

Two opinion polls done in September 2023 for 1 News reported support for New Zealand Loyal at 0.4% and 1.2%.

Election candidates

The party intended to run a 15-person list in the election but failed to register most of those individuals in time. Consequently NZ Loyal's official party list contains Gunn, Peter Drew and Phillip George Engel. Engel has since left the party so the list effectively contains only two candidates. Should NZ Loyal pass the 5%  those two would become MPs and the rest of the party's seats would remain vacant.

Gunn initially took responsibility for the administrative debacle, putting it down to "human error" within the party. Some days later she instead claimed that the Electoral Commission was at fault, having given the party "contradictory advice", and said that the party would investigate whether the Commission had deliberately sabotaged NZ Loyal. Chief electoral officer Karl Le Quesne said that the Commission worked closely with all parties before and during the nomination period, that NZ Loyal submitted a list with three candidates within time, and that they had asked to add more people after the September 14 deadline.

This mishap led Gunn to change her campaign strategy, calling a vote for NZ Loyal a "protest vote" that will reduce the number of MPs in parliament.

New Zealand Loyal also has candidates in 33 electorate. Liz Gunn is not one of them. As of September 2023 only 30 candidates are featured on the party's website.

          - Wikipedia 

Now, come to think of it, maybe Liz Gunn is really Robert in drag ....


Richard (of RBB) said...

Still, they've got a better name than New Zeal. Actually, things politically are looking a bit depressing at the moment. I shouldn't be making jokes. Act and NZ First are a particularly scary option.

Richard (of RleftistBB)


Still early days. Hopefully the Labour voters who've drifted (in the polls) to National might get frightened at the prospect of Winston Peters as deputy PM again and cast a vote for Labour. Hipkins ran rings around Luxon in last night's leaders debate.

Richard (of RBB) said...

So I heard.