Sunday 8 October 2023



Regular readers will recall that a few months ago when writing a post on our Akaroa trip, I mentioned a wish to visit all of the remaining lighthouses in New Zealand (23).

These are the lighthouses that the public can visit:
  • Cape Reinga✓
  • Tiritiri Matangi Island✓
  •  Matangi Island✓
  • East Cape
  • Castle Point✓
  • Cape Palliser ✓
  • Pencarrow Head✓
  • Somes Island✓
  • Nelson Boulder Bank
  • Akaroa Head✓
  • Katiki Point
  • Nugget Point
  • Waipapa Point
  • Farewell Spit
  • Cape Egmont
  • Cape Foulwind.

I have visited a few of them in the past but certainly haven't seen them all.

From memory I've ticked the ones that I have visited and I've also visited some that are not on the 'public list'  like Cape Campbell (Marlborough), Bean Rock (Auckland) and Ackers Point (Stewart Island).

Not many really but these were just visits in passing. I need to make a plan to visit as many of the rest as I can before either they or I disappear.

I've been waiting to do the visits with The Old Girl but she's often busy with work so I might have to do the visits on my own which I guess, is apt for visiting lighthouses.

I'd better do some research in advance.

I mean - what could go wrong?


Richard (of RBB) said...

That post was a learning experience.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Never get too excited when you see there's a new post to read.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Please not a series.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I'd be interested in hearing about your tennis experiences.


No, I don't know what you mean but never-mind - incomprehensibility seems to be your default setting.


I'll have to save up the tennis experience posts for you Richard as I cannot play at present. I have an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon in November relating to my hip tendon tear and will ask him if I'm allowed to play. This is why I don't cycle or walk to the lighthouses as well.


I'm both pleased and sorry to say that the lighthouse series is a distinct possibility.
The Old Girl confirmed a few minutes ago that she could take a few days off for us to visit the three Northland lighthouses - Cape Reinga, Cape Maria van Diemen, Cape Brett and Kaipara North Head sometime over the next month.
Visiting the lighthouses isn't a 'crank' thing, it's just a focus or a reason to go to any particular destination.
Hold onto your hat!

Richard (of RBB) said...


Richard (of RBB) said...

I always thought that a light house would be an easy house to lift.


"I always thought that a light house would be an easy house to lift."

I was going to make a comment about this rather lightweight joke but then read Robert's latest blog post and thought that your joke has more substance in comparison.