History would have us believe that while some women have been important in literature, science, philosophy and politics virtually all great things have been achieved by men. We've been duped into this which I guess is what patriarchy is all about.
It's naive to think that women have only just discovered their brains and capabilities since gaining financial and political independence. It's probably more sensible to think that, since the beginning of civilisation, women while not having overt recognition, were the driving force behind many men and instigators of change, discovery and innovation. There are, even though Robert's Catholic Church will continue to deny it, millions of examples of this.
Here is just one that I 'found' while trawling YouTube:
I hope that you did watch that as it's very interesting about Ada Lovelace but underscores what I am saying.
Underestimate women at your peril. Well, mostly.
I watched Ada Lovelace all the way. Interesting.
Neither does the Catholic Church.
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