Saturday 18 May 2024


Some unkind readers - you know who you are - will likely disparage my use of video clips in this post saying that they are a filler or that I'm banging on as per usual on something that I'm unqualified for . Well, I say to them:

"Vrlo grubo vrijeđanje"

And I don't feel guilty for saying it. 

"Why 'guilt'?" you might ask. Well, it's a glorious morning and I know that I should be out walking or doing some outside activities but instead I'm just lazing about, inside, in the warm.

What's that about? Is it Catholic Guilt?

Catholic guilt is the reported excess guilt felt by Catholics and lapsed Catholics. Guilt is remorse for having committed some offence or wrong, real or imagined.

Whatever. I've put a load of washing in the machine and will hang that out soon to help assuage that guilt.

That's all. Carry on. Why are you hanging around? Oh ... the videos. Sorry, here they are:

Yes, I know that there are a lot of others but these two I really like.



Richard (of RBB) said...

I was going to be rude but I love that Randy Newman song.

Anonymous said...

Vrlo grubo vrijeđanje.

- Josip Horvac

Richard (of RBB) said...

Naughty, Josip.


What did you think of the Maryanne Faithful song?
That's the one that really talks about Catholic guilt.