Sunday 19 May 2024


 ... back to the lounge.

The Old Girl's back and won't be going away again until July - to Christchurch this time for a couple of months - so will be converting my study to her office. I'll have to set up the laptop computer in the lounge again with its accompanying cords, wires and accessories.

I'll set the 'studio' up soon. The main item is the PGX-V800 Yoiks 24 channel nebuliser which is packed with functions like the API Bias botnet which almost burst out of the casing made of DNS edge computing gazerdroid LAN coating. I don't have a XBS transmoidal receiver so will have to use the rh50 Kawasaki keyboard that has a built-in Delilah L1500 microphone and transponder. This is better though than the Microsoft Azure UNIX (not UAC) which puts out 2 billion bittles of thermadata. For printing I have my trusty RPG 3000 that has a whopping 299.35 ploximotious output - impressive when printing out crosswords and wordgames although I did read that the Sister BGHA 9000 performs better but runs on rechargeable batteries - the SSX 105 series. Never mind, I'll make do.

Fear not, blogging will continue as long as there aren't any unforseen problems.



Richard (of RBB) said...

API Bias botnet is a shit function. You'd be better to go with the ADZ 52.

Richard (of RBB) said...

The ADZ 52 has an overhead transduction feature.


I'll check with 'Rob'. He say's that he knows all about these things.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Overhead transduction is not unlike transubstantiation.


Yes I see. I guess Catholic belief does get passed on like some sort of virus.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. I prefer my wafers to have icing but, having been in the communion host business when at school am familiar with the very dry texture of wafers and how they melt into a blob in the mouth. It’s nothing that a good splash of altar wine won’t sort out.
Will one be enough though? I guess if it’s one of those priest ones - they always hog the biggest for themselves.