There are neat little coves here and there with sheltered water, nice sand and no people!
Rod himself is a bit of a strange cove. He's a close talker: THE CLOSE TALKER- SEINFELD
I constantly find myself moving away from him. It's a pain when walking side to side as he leans in and encroaches my space all the time - even when riding the bloody bikes.
Rod is also a loud talker. This can be embarrassing when in conversation with him as he has a habit of making comments about other people quite loudly. Here's an example from today when we stopped at the beach to look at the sights. There was a youngish woman walking along the path not far away and Rod says (loudly) - "Cor! Look at the crumpet".
I shushed him but he was adamant that she hadn't heard although I was sure that she had. He does this at the tennis as well and, when the subject of his comments looks over I have to look away pretending that I'm not with him. He is also not a person you should ever tell something in confidence to. 'I call him The News of the North'. If you want it broadcast around the neighbourhood then tell him.
I came home and spent a couple of hours weeding the garden alongside the drive and now am quite exhausted.
How has your Wednesday been?
I wrote a post about my early thoughts. Then I went to NLHS. Then I had a Chardonnay.
Yes but no-one knows who 'Rod' is.
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