Sunday 6 February 2022




I've volunteered to help out at a local school with school crossing duties.

I'm not sure how I will go given that I'm a chronic jaywalker and tend to 'lose my rag' at inconsiderate motorists.

If you hear on the news about an old guy throwing rocks at speeding dudes in pick up trucks it'll probably be about me.

"I don't believe you didn't see the sign - arsehole!"


Richard (of RBB) said...

Wow! This came out of nowhere.


Just like those arseholes driving utes too fast.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, I can't disagree with that.

TraceyC said...

My deepest condolences. I can state emphatically that this is considered THE worst part of the role of teacher, and it won’t be the motorists that exasperate you. My money is on the parents in a hurry who will drag their darlings across ten metres down the road to avoid waiting ten seconds. Don’t get me started on the patrol kiddies who soon grow weary of the responsibility and are right little shits. Top marks to the enterprising staff who managed to outsource this task so they can lurk in the staff room avoinding the ‘have you got a minute?’ parents!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Ha ha!


Yes TraceyC I think you're right and wonder what I've got myself in for.

On the local Neighbourly page where the call for assistance was made, a contributor wrote:

"Love what you are doing but I'm absolutely disgusted with the behavior (sic) of parent's picking up and dropping off their children at the school, parent's with toddler's in tow crossing everywhere between lamb road and the four square, appearing from out between parked busses and cars causing mayhem, what chances have the kids got when idiot parent's cross wherever it suits them, never mind the safety, an accident waiting to happen, keep up the good work for the few that have brains and use the crossing."

Maybe this is why there is in fact the call for local resident volunteers.
One thing though - I'm not afraid to shout at the parents and the kids who are doing the wrong things. In the words of Jack Nicholson - "Wait'll they get a load of me."

Richard (of RBB) said...

You could be the Jack Reacher of school crossings.


We're watching the Reacher series. It's good, certainly better than the films but I don't know why they have to change key aspects of the story though.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Stop moaning.


Being a pedantic schoolteacher and a grammar crank, no doubt you picked up on the apostrophe clue in Reacher episode 7.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Probably time to update this blog.


No, he's gravin.