Friday 1 July 2022


 Look, I understand - I was born in 1962. Some of the other bloggers in this blogging community were born in the 1950s!

Today I watched Joe Biden announce the momentous NATO inclusion of Norway and Sweden into the  organisation but fucked it up by saying 'Switzerland' instead of 'Sweden'.

It's been a very long-standing joke that stupid Americans don't understand anything about geography beyond their own borders and that really annoying  thing about suffixing the country behind major capital cities has been getting on my goat forever - e.g. 'London England', 'Berlin Germany', 'Paris France' etc. as if any right-minded person would confuse a major capital city with some arsehole dump in rural America like - London Ohio, Berlin New Hampshire or Paris Texas!


Biden is doing OK as US president but only because we can compare him to the worst ever president of USA who immediately preceded him.

The orange fool's legacy of inaction, incompetence, nepotism, racism, misogyny and cronyism left Biden on the back foot and Trump's stacking of the Supreme Court of USA (SCOTUS) is right up to today crippling democracy in America with right wing and reactionary decisions on women's rights, gun control and environmental protection.

Ok, we all knew (or should have known) that this is what Trumpism was about but I'm gobsmacked as to how weak the USA non-Republican and non-right movements are. They knew that Biden was a spent force yet ignored any strong and new representatives being given the ticket, preferring to stay safe with the old and true which is why we are here now with a president who can't even get the names right of pivotally important countries in the fight against rising fascism and aggression in Europe. 

Many some maybe one of my readers will remember that, over the last few years I haven't been a Biden supporter, seeing many better candidates to oppose the orange idiot Trump. basically, a cartoon character would have done a better job than Trump and wouldn't have left behind so much baggage.

I was a Kamala Harris supporter and am now mystified as to why she has hardly been seen at a time when Biden has been so weak. See: HARRIS

Biden is an embarrassment - not as much as Trump would have been as president in the current geopolitical, pandemic and financial environment with China and Russia grandstanding ( another legacy of the Trump administration) - but really needs to be removed. The succession rules in USA is that if the current president is unable to continue with his duties then the vice-president takes over, Biden is becoming incapable so come on Kamala, I don't know why you've been invisible for a while but can't believe that you've lost all of your abilities that, in the past and during the presidential debates and electioneering were so strong.

If though, Kamala Harris has fallen foul of the powers that be or has lost momentum, I'm pleased to see that there are some future strong contenders for the supreme position in USA. The one that I really like and think has the ability, guts, determination and 'street creds' is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). Let's see more of her over the next couple of years and hope that America grows some and has the balls to elect a hispanic woman as president. There's nothing in the history of this racist, stupid and misogynistic country to give precedent to this but here's hoping. OK?


Bob said...

How can you say you that you were born in 1962 and then say the Americans are f***** up?
Alexandria reminds me of another Jacinda reactionary left winger spouting on about women's rights!


Thanks for your consistency Robert.
In my previous post I surmised your view on women's rights as:

Robert: Women have different brains to men, Men are the hunter gatherers and must provide for their families. Women are nurturers and must attend to the needs of the man in the household. This work will set them free (I read that somewhere).

I guess you prove my point with that comment on Alexandria.


i said I was born in 1962 to fuck up you and Richard.


Humour in Moera died some time ago.


I wrote a post in my dream last night. If I remember it I'll write and post it today.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I hope it wasn't a wet dream.


Thanks for lowering the tone.
Well, you are a bassist I suppose.