Thursday 14 July 2022


Is it just me or do these three grumpy looking jokers look alike?

"There was a lady walking down the pavement and as we passed 
she stopped and she said: 'I know you, don't I?' ... 
I said: 'My name's Muldoon.'. She said: 'You're not related to that bastard in Parliament, are you?'. 
And on that salutary note Mr Speaker, I say goodbye".

"I came here [Parliament] to help people, not to hurt people,
 and I find that it has not been possible for me this year
to stop very many people from being hurt".

"They won’t put up a statue to me. No, no, no. 
Nobody’s got that sense of humour".



Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes I have to be careful to smile when surprising Sue in the kitchen or she will jump and ask me "Why are you looking angry". Many people throughout my life have asked me a similar question. It's just the way my jowls droop. I'm sure PM Muldoon and the other guy have similar sad anecdotes.


It's the same for me. Because I don't go about with a big stupid grin on my face people have often asked "what's up?"
I'd say 'nothing' but now wished I'd said something like "my house just burned down" or "National just won the election."

Richard (of RBB) said...

Good to see you boys having fun.