Monday 18 July 2022


Paula Bennett, the failed National MP and one-time (abysmal) Minister of Social Welfare has been trying to reinvent herself via spots on dire television game shows and writing op-eds for NZ Herald. She believes that it's necessary to 'keep her face out there' so that the public won't forget her. I for one won't forget her as I remember that she was one of the worst National MPs and the worst Minister of Social Welfare.

One of her recent op-eds is this: JACINDA ARDERN AND THE INSIDIOUS RUMOUR MILL

Bennett, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, tries to play the passive aggressive game here by appearing to defend the PM against unfounded (and unstated) rumours about her relationship with her partner.
I have been asked more times than I can remember if x is true about one or both of them. I am not in their lives and do not have intimate knowledge about them and I believe their private lives are exactly that – but I always answer no it's not true. - Paula Bennett
What a tosser. She won't elaborate on what she has 'heard' but still manages to throw some shit hoping it will stick. This bag of s...... bones (now) went on to say:
My politics and ideology differ a lot from Jacinda Ardern's but as a woman, mum, partner and politician I would stand at her side and suggest everyone just leave her private life alone.
I have heard intelligent, respectable people repeating gossip about her. They all know someone who knows someone and as such they know it is true. Just because something is repeated a lot does not make it true.
- Paula Bennett

In the same article you'll see that she also tries to throw some shit at Winston Peters and a Green MP

 If I had a dollar for every time I heard about the untrue demise of Winston Peters and rumours of poor health then I would be a wealthy woman. I don't think a Green MP washes her hair in her own urine but this was told to me numerous times and as if it is fact.

This is clumsy and is akin to how schoolgirls act on the playground when bullying others. 

Karl Puschmann, Culture Editor and Entertainment Columnist for New Zealand Herald reviewed one of Bennetts's TV shows:

Paula Bennett, former Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, proud Westie, on-the-record opposer of tougher gun laws and hypocritical benefit-slasher during her two terms in government as the Minister of Social Development and Employment, is now the host of the worst game show on TV.  It's called Give Us a Clue but, really, Give Us a Break would've been more apt.

Nice one Karl - I agree.

Bennett  has said that she still needs a stage ....

 ........  but as far as I'm concerned the stage she needs is a stagecoach headed right out of town ASAP.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Ha, ha! Good post!
You're on the up TC!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Of course I've never heard of her, but at least she is taking some heat off me and the Catholic Church.


"Of course I've never heard of her"

Said Robert whose head is so far up the catholic church's arse that he's unaware of what goes on around him.
How can he not have heard of Paula Bennett? She was a disastrous Minister of Social Welfare, pushing a National Party manifesto that was at odds with the interests of the very people that she was supposed to be representing. She was also deputy leader of the Opposition at one stage almost getting hands on driving the country except for the fact that she was so bloody incompetent.
Robert is in the exact demographic that is affected by actions of that twonk. Sheesh!



Richard (of RBB) said...
