Saturday 29 October 2022


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"SMOKE AND MIRRORS is a metaphor, originating from 18th and 19th-century phantasmagoria shows, for a deceptive, fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description."

You've read my witterings and complaints before on vaping but it is a serious problem.

No doubt that unless you're a Catholic* or live under a rock you've seen the news about the vaping labelling misrepresentation that's been going on in New Zealand.

"A copy seen by Fair Go shows the Vaping Regulatory Authority says in some cases, notifiers appear to have provided false or misleading information in their product notifications with regards to the quantity of nicotine in a product."

Well, no shit Sherlock. Call me old Mr cynical pants but why should we be surprised that the tobacco industry which, in the background controls the vape industry is putting 'misleading information in the product notifications'? It is, after all, in their interests to capture new users and to get them hooked as quickly as possible, providing a lifetime of addictive purchasing.

I listened to National Radio (not all day Robert, just while driving) and heard someone bleating at how many vape outlets there are and what can be done about it. If it was up to me I'd close the whole lot down and not allow new ones to open up. Every week new vaping shops are given licences to operate whether near schools or not.

Another person wondered how long it took for the misrepresentation (packaging stating lower nicotine levels than are actually in the product) to be noticed. If anyone had bothered to ask the schoolkids ingesting this crap they would have learnt that the kids know which products have the higher amounts of nicotine - the 'hot stuff' and eschew the namby-pamby 'safer' stuff.

This sort of breast beating, after the event isn't new in this country. I remember when there was parliamentary discussion on the admission of pitbull dogs into the country. We didn't have these dangerous American cross breeds once and then an arsehole MP (from Taranaki I think) put a bill forward promoting the idea probably after lobbying by his pig-hunting constituents. As a result our 'esteemed' parliamentarians passed the bill and now we have dangerous animals that rip kid's faces off.

Once we had sensible firearms legislation that licensed each and every rifle (not shotguns for some reason but at least pistols and revolvers were illegal) in the country and banned automatic weapons. Some 'wisemen' decided to change this and the legislation was drastically changed to only license the gun owner and not the individual firearms. A gun owner can buy and store as many of these killing instruments as they like now. In addition the law was changed to allow semi-automatic (easily adapted to full automatic) guns into the country of a type used in the Christchurch mosque murders. What fuckwit thought that was a good idea?

I could go on with examples of stupid law changes - allowing dangerous second hand and over-powerd vehicles in for example but I know that it's Saturday and Robert has to clean a church, go to Mass or photograph another statue of the virgin Mary. Richard has to ....... well, whatever he does on a Saturday I guess.



* Catholics seem to ignore real news, preferring to get their information from Sunday church sermons and antique publications.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Sabato mattina io parlo con Antonio.


Yes, I had one of those but it kept breaking down.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Che stronzata.


OK Robert, once again, against the narrative you bring up abortion issues which have nothing, nothing to do with tobacco and vaping.
What's wrong with you?


Hey! Did your Holy Ghost guy have something to do with Richard being unable to watch the rugby?