Thursday 9 November 2023



The more observant reader will remember that a couple of years ago I wrote a post about repairing the electrics on my trailer.

Here's the post: CHIEF OF THE ROAD

This post was very well accepted with one loyal reader commenting:

Well, two and a half years later the electrics are playing up again.

Today I hooked the trailer up to the car, attached the electrical cable, turned on the indictors and the park lights, put a big block of concrete on the brake pedal and checked behind the trailer.

The right hand tail light and indicator worked fine but the brake light didn't.

Nothing on the left hand light fixture worked.


I went through the process as done before (see the link to the post above) but this time the only improvement was to get the left hand park light working but the rest were dead. This will not pass the W.O.F. test. 

I put everything away (including The Old Girl's free standing mirror that I was using to see results while I was working under the trailer) just before the rain started and accessed the computer to find trailer light kits for sale. Done. I then used the trusty YouTube for some expert instructions. Done. I'll give installing a new system a go myself (hopefully) instead of going to an auto electrician which will be costly. Tomorrow I'lL go into town and buy the kit.

I will keep you posted on this as I know that readers are interested as evidenced by the enthusiastic endorsement from that old guy down south:

"What a pity this post wasn't stretched out to be a series! I'm really looking forward to the follow up post about getting a warrant for the trailer. Fingers crossed that those lights are still working properly. I probably won't sleep until I hear about that warrant of fitness."

The same old guy kindly suggested that I'm sounding like Donald Trump.




Richard (of RBB) said...

What a pity this post wasn't stretched out to be a series! Though there is still hope now. I'm really looking forward to the follow up post about getting a warrant for the trailer. Fingers crossed that those lights are still working properly. Again I probably won't sleep until I hear about that warrant of fitness. I'm really concerned about this.
Let's make trailers great again! I wonder why The Old Girl doesn't read this blog. Hold on, I think that I might understand why.


She doesn’t read it because: she’s heard it all before; knows what I’m going to say before I write it; and doesn’t really care anyway.
