Thursday 2 November 2023


There've been some changes on the blogs this last week.

Robert the missionary whose vocation is to convert atheists to Catholicism seems to have given up and now only infrequently posts. While this is acceptable to atheists who don't want to hear about the goings on in a very old book that has dodgy authorship credentials, it does raise the question of "what is he having for dinner?" and causes anxiety amongst the more delicate members of the blogging community.

Richard of Richard's Bag seems to have discovered the advantages of not writing stuff down but, instead, telling anyone who wants to know of his daily adventures and achievements via video documentation, often pretending to be proficient in foreign languages. Well, "good luck with that" I say.

 That was the best example we could find of Richard's videos on YouTube. I think though, that you see what we mean.

Over here at The Curmudgeon we don't regale you with boring updates of what's on the tea menu unless it is a significant dish that The Food Curmudgeon is proud of and we don't make silly videos of ourselves wittering on about nothing in general. We have standards to uphold.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

"We have standards to uphold."

Yes. Standard two.