Wednesday 8 November 2023



The old man sat in the small room waiting.

It was a very small room that had no windows. He sat in the dark as he hadn't the heart to turn the light on - the small 40 watt bulb hung dejectedly from the ceiling ... waiting.

He'd taken his cellphone out of his pocket and the dim glow illuminated him, giving him a greenish tint. He was waiting.

The room was small but, looking around in the dim light from the screen he saw no brooms, buckets or mops. "There is that" he thought.

"She said that she'd be here" he croaked and realised that he hadn't just thought that - he'd croaked it out loud. He felt slight embarrassment and then realised that there was no one to hear. Waiting.

He should not have been surprised as she hardly ever turned up. She would say that she would be there and the old man would arrive on time, take his position on the stool and wait. In the dark room.





OK, I'll put one on your blog.

Just a question: Is 'DONE" an acronym for 'Does One Need Encouragement?

Anonymous said...

I think that DONE stands for Doddery Old Needy Ex-schoolteacher.