Monday 6 November 2023


You've no doubt heard of the snowflake generation where young people have been so pampered that they can't really cope on their own in the big wide world.

Here's what Wikipedia says

"Snowflake" is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.


I didn't realise that one of Richard's alter-egos, Phillip Edward Nis was one of these - I thought that it was much older. Maybe it's just a big wuss. 

Phillip Edward Nis

Its creator, Richard of Richard's Bass Bag wrote a recent post about how P.E. Nis got its panties in a wad over the latest Sunday Quiz which The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ runs. See: QUIZ OF ABUSE

Really, it's like dealing with primary school kids or, primates.

I thought that for this post I'd keep away from anything contentious or controversial so as to not ruffle the little guys collective feathers. I recalled reading of this:


If you read this you'd have seen that Mrs Honeycombe a resident of The Channel Islands was hospitalised after being attacked by a swarm of bees. You might, like me have thought "well, that's reasonable given her name" but her horse that she was riding was also attacked and stung multiple times which is not reasonable because its name is 'Blue' not 'Manuka' or 'Hive' or 'Nectar'.

" Sorry - a bit of misunderstanding there"

This got me to thinking who else might be at risk because of their name.

Richard in that whiny post I referred to said:
"Mr. Nis can't be responsible for the name he got at birth. There are lots of names out there that don't always do justice to the reality of a person. Mr. Smelly is a good example, as is Mr. Allcock.
Mature people move beyond these accidents of birth and get to know the real person."

That's all very well but, as seen from Mrs Honeycombe's unfortunate experience, a bit of touchy-feely stuff isn't enough. There are real risks out there.

What's likely to happen to Mr Assman or Miss Beaver? What about Mrs Meates or old uncle Warren?

Be careful out there if you have a name that might attract wild animals, opportunists or perverts.



Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm reading the latest Jack Reacher. It's more exciting than this.


It’s a wonder that you can see to read given your brow is so low.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Whatever that means.