Sunday 11 August 2019


I sold my bike to my neighbour as I wasn't using it and it's a bit dangerous riding on the open roads around where I live. I used to ride it a lot in York where the roads are safer, the motorists generally more considerate and there are virtually no hills. I brought the bike back with me but for the last 3 years it has sat in the basement unused. The Old Girl said "Use it or lose it" so I sold it to Rod.

Rod is about as coordinated as a giraffe on a pogo stick and he's also a bit of a wimp so he hasn't been riding on the road. He drives 15 minutes to a place near town where a cycle way starts and rides on the cycleway loop. It's a great way to get fit and he wants someone to go with him.

Last week I went to see the orthopaedic surgeon about my knee and he recommended cycling as a non-stress way to exercise so yesterday, in Auckland I bought a second hand Avanti bike at a bike shop.

It's a nice bike and cost me $400, considerably cheaper than a new one. I haven't fallen off it yet but ...... give me time. Richard is convinced that I harm myself in all the sporting activity I undertake and The Old Girl doesn't have a lot of confidence in me either.

I bought a helmet to comply with the law:

And will probably have to buy some lycra:


Richard (of RBB) said...

You will look beautiful in lycra.



Hey thanks.
I'll send you pictures.