Saturday 24 August 2019


I don't care. I'm old and I'm allowed to be grumpy.

I don't have kids, never have, never will and don't want them so fussing parents and doting grandparents can just walk away now. Get out of here!


Last night I went up to the club for dinner. The Old Girl usually comes up on Thursday or Friday but this weekend is in Auckland as I'm going there today. We are going out for dinner and to the free organ recital at the Auckland Town Hall tomorrow afternoon.

The organist will be Benjamin Sheen who is pretty famous in New York and London so will be a treat to listen to. We went to se Indra Hughes a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it See: HERE

Anyway, last night I went to the club where they have a pretty decent restaurant attachment and cook great gurnard (battered or crumbed), chips and salad for $18.
The dining area is just off the main club lounge but there is no separation so it is an easy flow through to the bar area and games areas (pool and darts). I've noticed in recent times that families (visitors not members) are bringing their kids in to dine as the kids meals are ridiculously cheap which of course is the benefit of clubs where food and drink is subsidised. 
I mentioned a cheeky kid in an earlier post: HERE who pissed me off and whose parents were basically irresponsible. Last night was more of the same with kids running about, screaming their heads off and acting up while the stupid parents supped their drinks and chatted amongst themselves totally ignoring what their brats were doing.

Is it OK to step in and take control of other peoples' kids? I was sorely tempted and considered remonstrating with the 'stupid parents who supped their drinks and chatted amongst themselves' but decided to finish my meal and my glass of wine (large $7 glass of heavily subsidised chardonnay) and go home.

I'm pissed off with this. 


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yesterday I read about cafe's that allow dogs. But a rule is that the owner has to leave as soon as any disturbance happens.
The same should surely apply in your circumstance.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Personally I'd rather listen to those kids than bloody pipe organ music.

THE WINE GUY said...

Sounds like organ envy to me.