Thursday 22 August 2019


I often start a post after listening to the National programme on the radio or reading news feeds on my iPad (national and international).

This is due to something outrageous, stupid, reprehensible or annoying that catches my attention.

Sometimes I start with a post header and get no further and at other times I start writing a post that either never get's finished or one that I don't publish.
The reasons for not publishing are:
  • My annoyance or anger is dissipated
  • The topicality has gone
  • The post is too salacious, offensive, libellous or downright disgusting
  • Half of my readership (Robert) will never understand it
Today I looked through the posts by going to:


at which a chronological list of non-published posts (including first drafts of published ones) is shown.

I looked at the list and the titles (where I had entered one) and here are a few of them.

  • IF I DIDN'T CARE. This one had a link to the great Ink Spots song which is so nice I think I'll publish it if I can ever remember what I was going to rave on about. I think I was going to justify my blogging along the lines of how I only go to the effort because I'm a caring and sensitive person which is a real low point for a curmudgeon. I must have had a gin and tonic before dinner instead of a glass of wine that day.
  • WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE? This one was about the renaming of Victoria University of Wellington and how it is being done subtly with a few of the university colleges being quietly renamed out of the public eye. I got myself all righteously angered until I remembered that I didn't graduate from 'Vic' and basically 'I DIDN'T CARE'.
  • THE WHITE SPORT COAT AND PINK CARNATION SOCIETY - A HISTORY.  Intriguingly this was only a title without any narrative in the post. strange that and maybe one that needs to be resurrected.
  • A LIFETIME IN WINE. This one was very detailed as befits the fact that I've spent a working lifetime in the wine industry. I'm not sure why I didn't post this but it probably is due to the fact that it's better to be published on THE WINE GUY site.
  • THE SICK FUCKS! This one was the title of my most recent (verbal) rant when listening to the news and hearing that some neo Nazi Ukrainian arsehole is publishing the Christchurch mosque shooter's 'manifesto'. How sick is that. There are some bastards out there who shouldn't be. I may get around to writing something on this but feel that it's best left buried.
  • BEHIND THE SCENES WITH A BAND. This was about The Prowse Boys and a follow up to a post that Richard wrote about the PBs practising. He said that the PBs were getting tighter but also recounted how they drank craft beers at the practice sessions. I was making a joke about them getting tight after drinking - ho hum.
  • FOOT IN THE MOUTH. This post was almost completed and was about The Old Girl's social gaffes. I decided not to publish it in case she were to read it and beat me up.
  • BLOODY RUDE. I don't know what that one was supposed to be about.
  • CRUTCH, A CRUTCH! WHY CALL YOU FOR A SWORD? This was to be about The Old Girl's and my experiences in Verona since Richard and Shelley were going there but I never finished the post. The quote is from Romeo and Juliet.

That's a few of them. There are 235 unpublished drafts that may one day see the light of day.

Then again they may remain unpublished like some other works of literature.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'd delete them all, but that's just me.


"I'd delete them all, but that's just me."

Well you're in good, or maybe notorious company there:

Adolph Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Genghis Khan
Kim Il-Sung
Louis Mountbatten (by inaction and stupidity)
Enver Pasha
Pol Pot
Idi Amin
Mao Zedong

Plus many others including your pal God who deleted many particularly the Amalekites and the Midianites).

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

God also deleted your sins.


OK, that's good of him.
What did I do to deserve that?

Richard (of RBB) said...

How did the post about the chair blowing over in a storm make it through the selection process?


The bar is set low obviously, not like yours which is set so high that only long-winded and incredibly boring posts about tritones, vibrato techniques and harmonised scales make the cut.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Mine is more of a specialist blog. We don't do outside furniture blowing over or upsetting pregnant waitresses.


That explains why it's so boring.