Thursday 8 August 2019


You know the rest.

If you are reading this today then the delayed publishing setting I used has worked.

I'm going to be away from the desk top computer for a couple of days and find it difficult to publish posts on my iPad. I can access the blogs and read posts and make comments (which default to The wine Guy).

Yes, it's my birthday today - the 8th of August - 8/8/1952.
This is a lucky date in Chinese terms - the 8th day  of the 8th month. The year is the year of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar. This is also seen as being lucky and, when combined with the 8th of the 8th, especially so.

Here's a birthday song to me:


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I never quite understand why people take days of work, expect presents and wish themselves Happy Birthday with out any mention of the mother and father that conceived them. Though I could be wrong.

Richard (of RBB) said...

No, you're not wrong, you just lack compassion. Happy birthday Peter.

Anonymous said...

What a misery guts you are Robert
And leave my deceased parents out of it

THE WINE GUY said...

My parents knew that I appreciated them Robert and that was without any religious claptrap.