Friday 8 January 2021



 I spent a half hour this afternoon doing an internet search on the suspicious number - +64 83210 - from which a call came to my cell phone yesterday evening. As I picked up my phone - to hear some strange music, the landline rang which The Old Girl picked up. She said it had strange music playing. Fearing yet another Chinese phone hack we both put down the phones.

The internet site 'Slickly' told me that the number was rated DANGEROUS and it advised not to answer. I was worried as we had indeed answered and I was checking other sites to see if anyone else had experience of this.

At this stage The Old Girl came into the study - I should say here that I was enjoying use of the study to check the blogs etc - and asked what I was doing. I told her and she said not to worry it was only Richard and Shelley wishing her "Happy Birthday" with violin accompaniment. She had a recorded message on her cell phone which she hadn't told me about. My phone listed the call as being the number above which is too few digits to be a normal NZ number and isn't the number that I have in my phone for Richard. What's that about?

The Old Girl got her phone and played the message which was indeed some odd violin playing that morphed into 🎶Happy Birthday🎶 followed by some chuckling and almost inaudible voiceover from Richard and Shelley. I suspect that chardonnay was involved.

Nice that and thanks.

I don't think I'll notify 'Slickly' as, it's better to leave Richard's rating as DANGEROUS.

Better safe than sorry.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

This coming from a man of 60 plus years is scary and rather worrying.


Ah those recycled comments. Don't you just love them.