Friday 22 January 2021


 I woke at the crack of dawn today (7.30) and got up and made a start to my busy day.

I connected the trailer and made my way to the garden place where I bought two scoops of potting mix.

The woman drove the tractor to a huge pile of mix and proceeded to load two tractor scoop loads into my trailer. It was quite a lot - all for $25 - much less than buying it by the bag load at supermarkets or garden centres.

I headed of back up the gravel road and got quite a fright when the trailer wheels failed to get traction in the gravel. Instead of rolling along the trailer seemed to be dragged through the deeper areas of gravel "Fuck - a puncture" I thought with apologies to Robert's sanctimonious parish priest. I didn't fancy jacking up a loaded trailer and changing a wheel on an uphill slope. I checked the trailer wheels (2) and the car wheels (4) and all seemed OK so I got going - slowly). At the crown of the hill the gravel gave way to seal and we rolled along properly.

Before going home I called in to Rod's place. Do you remember Rod, the friend that I had a falling out with? Well, we're talking again and I gave him a couple of barrow loads of mix from the trailer. He was most pleased. At home I shovelled the mix into a big pile by the woodshed. I covered it with some plastic sheeting I have but it's a bit scant so next time I'm in town I'll have to buy a big tarpaulin to cover the pile.


I noted today that Richard wrote a post on his 'Richard's Bass Bag' blog attempting to parody the style of my last post and generally Robert's posts. I won't inflict you with a link to this. Just read the back of a can of baked beans or something instead.


I also note that Robert has deleted all his posts on his silly 'Medievil Brother Rob' blog. He will probably post again soon once he downs a few cheap beers and he might change the name of his blog.

Here's a suggestion:

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

What a pity you didn't take time to check your grammar, etc. Lucky old Rod to have you chatting to him again. Not a bad post at all.*

* Nah, just kidding, it was crap!