Monday 4 January 2021



Richard of Richard's Bass bag dothed protest too much over the pending shower series which made us think that, in the tradition of Brer Rabbit, he really was looking forward to it.

Anyway, here is part one.



We approach cautiously, not wanting to startle any residents.

These rooms are often seen as places of sanctuary and the users can be found in positions of contemplation. Sudden entry can be disconcerting for them.

Good. It is unoccupied but there is evidence of recent activity.

The female of the species has been busy here and has just vacated to answer a telephone. Quite evident are the cleaning materials that she has been using on THE MAN'S BATHROOM which explains why he is missing - probably in hiding.

The female - we'll call her The Old Girl, while soundly criticising the male - The Curmudgeon, for his upkeep of HIS bathroom - cannot help from attacking it with strong chemicals, cloths and bristly brushes from time to time even though she has her own bathroom elsewhere.

It appears that the toilet bowl and surrounding area has been attacked and summarily dealt with. "Couldn't you see those damned stains Matey" the call still echoes. The bowl has been thoroughly cleaned INSIDE and out which is a skill that the male of the species has not yet evolved to.

Quietly now we approach our quest. - the shower.

This is an old box-type arrangement which thrills The Curmudgeon but is the bane of The Old Girl's life and the reason that she uses the newer shower in HER bathroom at the end of the house. When we say HER bathroom, she does share it with guests when they stay and it doesn't stop her from using HIS bathroom for all activity except showering. She threatens to have the shower-box removed and a new glass and plastic monstrosity installed in its place but so far this has not happened.

Let's move closer. Carefully.

The shower-box has a plastic curtain which features a drawing of a naked woman. A NAKED WOMAN. For Richard, who doesn't understand the concept of this, it is recommended that he looks this up on the internet. Carefully.

Inside, once the curtain is fondled drawn aside we can see the operating component of the shower.

There is a tap mechanism, showerhead and hanging tray arrangement for shower essentials - shampoo, soaps, shaving gear etc - everything except a glass of wine, cup of tea and a book which is impractical for a shower but a major feature of bathtime - a series of which could be pending, pending interest.

Quietly we withdraw as we can hear that The Old Girl is finishing her telephone call. One would not want to be found here with a camera in hand.


Thank you for your attention and please, in the comments section, indicate what further information you require about this shower or what you would like to see in THE SHOWER SERIES -PART TWO - THE WOMAN'S SHOWER.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Fascinating stuff. I never knew showering for a man was so complicated. I suspect that the woman's shower should match those interest levels

Richard (of RBB) said...

Just a question. Could Robert and Kylie take a joint shower in the man's shower. I know that would not be advisable after some home brewed beers.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Sorry, missed out a question mark.
Here it is...

Richard (of RBB) said...

Especially not beers at spirit strength. The poor 'old girl' having to clean the toilet!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

That shower curtain took me back!
Does look much cleaner than my client's!


"You can clean your 'student flat' shower yourself" said The Old Girl. "I'm not going in that."