Tuesday 18 May 2021


 Robert is trying out a new look. He's unsure whether he should wear suspenders or braces. Obviously it's some sort of later life crisis.

I think he should settle on suspenders with matching accessories. Victoria's Secret or, his favourite lingerie shop K-Mart should be able to supply him with what he needs but he may need to shop for the outsize fittings. Fortunately for him Wellington most likely has some specialty stores catering for transvestites. I guess he should try Vivian Street. Is that right Richard?

Once he gets himself sorted he could dress up when managing the sales counter at the church shop. It would certainly be a bit of a drawcard although most of his customers would be catholic priests and Marist brothers.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

"Is that right Richard?"
Yes, there's a great store at no 56.