Wednesday 5 May 2021


 ...... that I'm nearly finished painting the deck railings?

* A little pun there for a Wednesday morning.

Talking of puns, Richard attempted to make one in his comment on my previous post. The paint I'm using is made by Wattyl.

Richard said:

"Well done though I thought that Wattyl came in a bottle."

He was referring to a Monty Python sketch of the Australian philosophers that included the very funny Bruce's Philosophers' Song. 

It finished with the Australian national anthem:

This here's the wattle it's the symbol of our land.

You can stick it in a bottle or hold it in your hand.

'Straya, 'Straya we luv ya!

Talking of deck painting, which I was, unfortunately The Old Girl isn't as enthused with it as I am. "I liked the unfinished, natural look" she said this morning.

O well, she'll just have to live with it. This little ditty came to mind.

This here's the Wattyl paint, it comes in a can.

So what if it mottles mate, remember - I'm the man.

Obviously I didn't say this out loud, certainly not while in her earshot. I think I'm safe as she doesn't read my blog.



Richard (of RBB) said...

I might ring Lynn.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I like the slightly archaic term "Ring" that Richard uses.


Well, he is old.