Tuesday 25 May 2021


 At tennis there's a guy named Mike who reminds me a bit of Robert. He's conservative and his views are generally on the fringe of the right and linked to conspiracy theory. He's also a monarchist. 

He reminds me a bit of Charlton Heston.

I usually wind him up with tirades against some of the things he believes in like: Donald Trump's presidency; anti Covid 19 vaccination: not wearing face masks; anti-Labour and pro-National; G.O.P Republicanism.

He thinks that I'm a bit rabid.

Today there was mention of the appointment of the new Governor General and our links to the Queen. The conversation went something like this:

MIKE: Jacinda said that she thinks that we will become a republic in her lifetime.

ME: I hope that happens in my lifetime.

MIKE: What? Why don't you like the monarchy?

ME: That bunch of inbred tossers ..

MIKE: But ...

ME: ... those overprivileged and undeservedly rich billionaires ..

MIKE:  ...but ..

ME: ... who've made their money over the centuries by stealing it from the public and salting it away in property for which they charge tenants crippling rents.

MIKE: But ..

ME: They are inbred, undereducated and time-wasting users who, in the real world wouldn't be able to get jobs. No-one in their right mind would like them.

MIKE: But, what about Princess Diana?

ME: Diana? That dumb simp. I hate the Diana cult that's grown up around this useless and pathetic tramp. The only good thing she did was to divorce that namby- pamby tampon fetishist Prince Charles.

MIKE: But what do you think of Prince Harry?

ME: Given that it's said that intelligence is passed down from the mother, Harry certainly lucked out that his mother was so stupid which explains why he's as thick as two short planks.

MIKE: What! What about his father?

ME: Which one? Charles or his real father?

MIKE: Umm .. you mean ..?

ME: Yes, that pathetic twonk James Hewitt. He wouldn't have any more brains than the horses he spends all his time with.

MIKE: But, but, but ... what about ..?

ME: Sorry Mike. It's my turn to play now. Nice chatting with you. Maybe next time we can talk about religion.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

So he reminds you a bit of me and and a bit of Charlton Heston; so he must remind you a lot of ...

Richard (of RBB) said...

Haha. Tennis sounds like 'fun'.


It is fun. I look forward to Tuesday and Thursday mornings if the weather is good. This morning was sunny and only cool when a breeze came up.


I don't understand what Robert is saying. Maybe that speaking in Hebrew theory is correct.