Monday 10 May 2021


Definition in Oxford Dictionary

madder, maddest

1. British: Mentally ill; insane.
‘he felt as if he were going mad’

2. British (of behaviour or an idea) extremely foolish; not sensible.

3. In a frenzied mental or physical state.

4 Informal: Very enthusiastic about someone or something.

5. British: Very exciting.

6. Informal: Very angry.

7. US informal: Great; remarkable.


1. Informal US: as submodifier
Very; extremely.

mads, madding, madded archaic

Make (someone) mad.

OK? Then I'm the adjective (6) - Very angry.

So what makes me mad?

I watched a seven part documentary on NETFLIX - 'THE KEEPERS'.
This is a true crime documentary concerning a 27 year old nun who was murdered in Baltimore in 1969.
The series outlines events leading up to the crime and the almost 50 year aftermath using newspaper and television footage, documents and photographs and the findings of a group of dedicated investigators who interviewed family, friends, associates, the Catholic Church and the Baltimore police.
There was no satisfactory conclusion as several of the possible murderers are now dead including the main suspect - a pedaphile priest.
The suggestion is that the nun learned of the activities of this pedaphile priest and his cronies (other priests, brothers, police officers and politicians) and confronted him on the day that she was murdered.
The series is worth a viewing.

What particularly makes me mad is that the authorities, both church and state indulged in a massive cover up and possibly destroyed and hid vital information. The Catholic Church knew about this priest and had in fact moved him from parish to parish as complaints emerged (rapes, indecent assaults, perversions, sexual molestation etc) and, after the murder, hid him in a church run institution and were determined to keep him out of sight. The police and various legal institutions also knew about this priest and his cronies and did a cover up and deliberately down played the murder - determining that it was perpetrated by a stranger - and hid and destroyed evidence. Why? Because senior members of the police and other leading bodies were pals of the pedaphile priest and some were involved in the sexual depravity and crimes.

Here's the verb. This 'madded'  me - it made me mad.

Sure this happened in the 1960s but it is still happening now.
We've recently learned that Catholic priests and brothers in Wellington who taught us have been exposed as pedaphiles. Not only that but the Church knew about their activities and, instead of handing them over to the authorities, chose to simply move them from parish to parish and, when their criminal activities became too obvious, the Church closeted them in Church run hostels or 'retreats'. Bastards!

Why is this still making me mad?

Robert, in his various posts and comments on his own and others' posts  continually defends the catholic Church in this. Unfortunately (or, to be honest, fortunately), Robert deletes his posts and comments on a regular basis so it's difficult finding the references and quotes I want. There are a few however in his most recent posts and comments:

Robert the apathetic sinner
7 May 2021 at 17:19

"Just remember that if you hate the Catholic church because its clergy has sinned, the Catechism is still spot on and the way Jesus wanted it to be!"

Robert the apathetic sinner
14 April 2021 at 16:43

"So if the only reason you are not Catholic is because catholics are human and sinners then welcome back to the church! Obviously you have no problem with the Creed."

To me, it's just not good enough that the Catholic Church, now, after all these years has decided to name and out a few (just scratching the surface) pedaphiles - most of whom are either dead or well and truly retired. They only admit this when proper investigation is done by others See: HERE and never conduct enquiries off their own bat.

Problems with pedaphile priests will continue unless the Church undertakes proper vetting, investigation and responsibility for transgressions. Unfortunately as long as this silly institution continues to  remain patriarchal (read misogynistic) and won't allow priests, brothers and nuns to marry (to either sex) and to have normal sexual relations then we have to expect abnormality. Personally I like the idea of a priest and a nun being married and setting up shop in the local church where they can bring up children and help the community.



Richard (of RBB) said...

Robert could work in the shop that that priest and nun set up.


Yep. He could set up a Creed stand and sell all sorts of 'Creed' products including the films, music and perfumes.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Don't forget the condom vending machine. Those have proven popular with young catholics.

And the statue of St Fuck.


Good idea.
Maybe he could do a line in vaseline and knitting needles as well.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

King Jesus knows all about what is happening in His church both good and bad. As He said in a parable he'll let the weeds grow a little longer and throw them in the furnace at the final reaping.


If he exists (and that's a bloody big IF) why the fuck doesn't the guy who - "knows all about what is happening in His church" do something about it immediately?