Sunday, 31 July 2022


 Remember back in 2013 when I published this post about the ridiculousness of American gun laws and the manufacturers' disregard for the safety of children?


Well, guess what? America hasn't got any better and it may well have got worse with the radicalisation of the right wing Republican party. Have a look at what this idiot has been saying:



Yes, you read that correctly. It's not a joke. That very dumb Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks that arming children with the kiddie-version JR-15 assault rifle would be a good idea and enable the little guys to take out the 'bad man' armed with an AR-15.

Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene says that the elementary school students killed during the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, earlier this year could have "defended themselves" had they been armed with assault weapons marketed to children.

"The kids at Uvalde needed JR-15s to defend themselves from the evil maniac that didn't care about laws," Greene tweeted while sharing a photo of Pelosi next to a JR-15 poster during the House hearing. "At least they could have defended themselves since no one else did, while their parents were held back by police."

This woman is nuts but sadly is just the voice of a lot of very, very stupid people. 

Saturday, 30 July 2022


… It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under.

I went for a walk this morning along the bush track that loops around the bay.

It's a really pleasant walk that is part of a kiwi sanctuary. There are lots of native birds there and, unfortunately, some fucking dogs.
The council has a no dog ruling for this and other walks meaning no fucking dogs allowed, even on leashes. There is supposed to be signage at each end of the track announcing this but dog owners regularly remove the signs. Bastards!

Today as I was walking along, a group of people - 3 women and a man came along with 4 dogs - on leashes. When I say dogs, these were more like large rats. They were those horrible scrappy little runts of dogs that think that they are bigger than they are. Some kind of yappy terrier

One of them charged at me and bit me on the leg just below the knee. It was able to do this because the stupid owner had it on a very long leash. "Oh no, oh no" she cried as she pulled it away - just before I launched a kick at the scruffy rat that would have sent it off the path and into the water.
I let rip at her and the others who each had one of these nonsense dogs on a leash. I told them that no dogs, even on leashes were allowed on the track as it is a kiwi sanctuary. They replied that there was no signage to which I said that was because fucking dog owners remove the signs when they go up. We had a bit of a slanging match where I said that as owners it was their responsibility to find out about council regulations governing their dogs. "I'm not a council rules reading person" said the man to which I told him he was an irresponsible idiot. We weren't really seeing eye to eye at that point. I told them that if I saw them on the track again I'd photograph them and report them to the council.

The track and road loop back to my street and house so later on I met them again. This time the guy, who'd thought about it, was apologetic and offered to pay for any medical expenses I incurred. This morning, instead of shorts I wore some thick track pants so the bite didn't draw blood but I'll no doubt have a bruise. I won't be going to the doctors. I told him that it wouldn't be necessary and again suggested that they check out the regulations on-line.

When I got home I contacted the council on-line (after getting no sensible response from the idiot I talked to on the phone line), reported that I'd been bitten and that they should get some new signage up PDQ.

Dogs in the area are a bloody nuisance. Not far away, in Pataua there is a problem with wandering dogs killing chickens, cats and pet rabbits. About a dozen cats have been killed in the last couple of months. I read on Neighbourly that a 5 year old child is traumatised because she saw het cat being torn apart by two large dogs. There is a ground-swell starting over this and pretty soon we'll hear about dogs being shot. 

I tell you what - if I'd had a gun this morning there'd be one little bastard with a bullet through its head.

Friday, 29 July 2022


 Sometimes songs, poems, films and literature resonate strongly with us depending on our moods and life situation at the time.

National Radio played Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five's 'The Message' this morning.


I first listened to this back in 1982, shortly after I moved from Wellington to Auckland. I was a bit edgy and - "It made me wonder how I keep from going under".

I survived, as privileged white guys do and didn't go under. Unfortunately a lot of people did and still do. The message is just as relevant today I guess.

           The Message.

… It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
… Broken glass everywhere
People pissing on the stage, you know they just don't care
I can't take the smell, can't take the noise
Got no money to move out, I guess I got no choice
Rats in the front room, broke dudes in the back
Junkies in the alley with the baseball bat
I tried to get away but I couldn't get far
'Cause the man with the judge repossessed my car
… Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin' not to lose my head
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
… Standing on the front stool, hanging out the window
Watching all the cars go by, roaring as the breezes blow
A crazy lady, livin' in the bag, eating out of garbage pales, used to be a fag
Searchin' has to tangle, skip the life and dangle
'Cause you're gon' print to sing they lost us so soon
Down at the peep show, watching all the creeps
So she can tell the stories to the girls back home
She went to the city and got so, so, so dizzy
She had to get a pimp, she couldn't make it on her own
… Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin' not to lose my head
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
… My brother's doin' best on my mother's TV
Says she watches too much, it's just not healthy
All my children in the daytime, Dallas at night
Can't even see the game or the Sugar Ray Fight
The bill collectors that ring my phone
And scare my wife when I'm not home
Got a flunk education, double-digit inflation
Can't take the train to the job, there's a strike at the station
… Neon King Kong standing on my back
Can't stop to turn around, broke my sacroiliac
Mid-range migraine, cancered membranes
Sometimes I think I'm goin' insane, I swear I might hijack a plane
… Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin' not to lose my head
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
… My son said, "Daddy, I don't wanna go to school"
'Cause the teacher's a jerk, he must think I'm a fool
And all the kids smoke reefer, I think it'd be cheaper
If I just got a job, learned to be a street sweeper
Dance to the beat, shuffle my feet
Wear a shirt and tie and run with the creeps
'Cause it's all about money, ain't a damn thing funny
You've got to have a car in this land of milk and honey
… They pushed that girl in front of the train
Took her to the doctor, sewed her arm on again
Stabbed that man right in his heart
Gave him a transplant for a brand new start
I can't walk through the park 'cause it's crazy after dark
Keep my hand on my gun 'cause they got me on the run
I feel like an outlaw, broke my last last jaw
Hear them say: "You want some more?" Living on a see-saw
… Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin' not to lose my head
Say what?
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
… It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
… A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling on you, but he's frowning too
Because only God knows what you gon' do
You'll grow in the ghetto, living second rate
And your eyes will sing a song of deep hate
The places you play and where you stay
Looks like one great big alleyway
… You'll admire all the number booktakers
Those pencil pushers and the big moneymakers
Driving big cars, spending twenties and tens
And you wanna grow up to be just like them
Smugglers, scramblers, burglars, gamblers
Pickpocket peddlers, even panhandlers
You say I'm cool, I'm no fool
But then you wind up dropping out of high school
… Now you're unemployed, all null and void
Walking 'round like you're pretty boy Floyd
Turned stick-up kid, but look what you done did
God sent up for an eight year bid
Now your man who mistook in you, and make time
Spend the next two years as an undercover fag
Being used and abused to serve like hell
'Til one day you will find him dead in a cell
… It was plain to see that your life was lost
'Cause you was cold and your body swung back and forth
But now yeah, I sing the sad, sad song
Of how you live so fast and die so young
… So don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin' not to lose my head
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from going under
… Yo Mel, you see that girl there? (Yeah man)
Yo, that sound like cowboy man, that's not cool
Yo, wassup money? (Yo)
Where's fieldin' and right here, man
They upstairs coolin' out
So what's up for the night, y'all?
Yo, we could go down the field
Let's go check out Juniper, man
… Hey yo, do you know that girl Betty? (Yeah man)
Her mom's got robbed, man (what, not again?)
I heard (when did this happen, when did this happen?)
Alright freeze, don't nobody move nothin', y'all know what this is
Get 'em up man (we're Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, man)
… Shut up, I don't wanna hear y'all now
Officer, officer, what's the problem?
You the problem
Yo, you ain't gotta push him, man
Get in the car, get in the- guys, I said get in the car

I've mentioned Grandmaster Flash in the past. See: DA FUCK?

Thursday, 28 July 2022


 This post could also have been published under The Philosophical Curmudgeon's name but The Religious Curmudgeon got there first.


Wednesday, 27 July 2022


No, not Richard, the guy who called me a bitch. The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ doesn't stoop to name calling like that.

The Americans adopted the expression but it came from 18th century Britain  and was originally 'numb head'.

So, why numb nuts?

When I do my daily exercises, after 30 minutes on the rowing machine I use the exercycle for a while. 

This has been for about 15 minutes until my nether regions go numb. I tried putting a cushion on the seat but it made no difference. After a while I had no feeling down there and became worried that bits might drop off.

The solution, I found was to turn the seat slightly sideways so that the 'bits' weren't being compressed by the front of the saddle.

This has worked and so now I can 'ride' for longer than the 15 minutes. 30 minutes is the goal.

Thank you for reading.




THE CURMUDGEON: Hello, Peter here.

JESUS: The Curmudgeon?

THE CURMUDGEON: Yes, that's right. Who's calling?


THE CURMUDGEON: God? Jesus Christ!

JESUS: Yes, that's me. Dad asked me to call you.

THE CURMUDGEON: But you said God.

JESUS: Yeah, well, he's not around at the mo so I borrowed the title.

THE CURMUDGEON: So. What do you want Jesus?

JESUS: Look, I don't want to make a fuss about this but dad's a bit upset at some of the things that you and that other crazy old bastard ..


JESUS: Yes, Richard. Dad's a bit miffed at all the mocking that you guys have been doing and he's planning to take vengeance. I just thought that I'd better warn you.

THE CURMUDGEON: Ha ha. I've heard about all that smiting and stuff. He threatened John Lennon but then took 14 years to get around to it.

JESUS: You know that we've been busy for the last several millennia? That's why dad invented me and brought me on board to help with the workload.

THE CURMUDGEON: You mean that omnipotent God and that Holy Ghost thingy couldn't handle it?

JESUS: Yeah, well, let's not go there OK? Dad's a bit down about his creation of earth and mankind and stuff so he's gone off to some more of the galaxies he made to see if they're doing any better.

THE CURMUDGEON: What about your feathered friend though?

JESUS: Oh, him/she/it - every-time dad buggers of he/she/it goes AWOL. I don't know what's going on.

THE CURMUDGEON: But dad, I mean God asked you to warn me and Richard....?

JESUS: Yep, although that Richard joker's already done for. He's going to Hell you know.

THE CURMUDGEON: Yes, yes ... Robert might have mentioned that a few hundred times. So what about me then?

JESUS: Dad said that if you don't stop that mocking then he'll smite you.

THE CURMUDGEON: Like he did to Lennon?

JESUS: Well, yes, but maybe it will only take about 12 years this time.

THE CURMUDGEON: Well, whoopdy-do. Thanks for the warning. You know that I'm to turn 70 next month don't you?

JESUS: Yeah, dad mentioned that and also that other decrepit old bastard Richard.

THE CURMUDGEON: Well Sparky - do your worst. I've only got those years to go anyway, with luck so I don't care.

JESUS: (Sigh) Yeah, I thought you'd say that but I had to get the message to you. Also, it gives me a chance to meet up with Mags.


JESUS: Yes Mags - you know, Mary Magdalene - the hot one. Dad wouldn't let me assume her into Heaven. The silly old fool's got some rather old fashioned ideas about that and mum doesn't approve either.

THE CURMUDGEON: So Mags - I mean Mary Magdalene is still around then?

JESUS: Yeah. I granted her perpetual life and have her stashed away in a villa in St Tropez on the off-chance that I could visit if ever dad was away. well, now's the time heh heh....

THE CURMUDGEON: You dirty little devil. Hey! Best take precautions though..

JESUS: Precautions?

THE CURMUDGEON: Yes, you know .... er .. a johnny.

JESUS: A johnny?

THE CURMUDGEON: You know. A condom.

JESUS: Ha ha, yeah. I've got it covered (which is a pun). Better that than the silly withdrawal method that dad got the Catholic Church to promote to the catholics. I think he just wanted to get the numbers up.

THE CURMUDGEON: OK buddy. We don't want any more immaculate conceptions do we. Have fun. 

JESUS: Thanks TC and keep up the good work - but don't tell dad that I said that.

THE CURMUDGEON: No worries mate. Me and your dad aren't on talking terms anyway.

JESUS: See you in about 12 years then.

THE CURMUDGEON: Yeah. Hopefully.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022










Well, Luxon seems to be making a habit of shooting himself in the foot. The latest is that while he was holidaying in Hawaii his social media pages said quite clearly that he was working in Te Puke.

When confronted with this in Parliament at Question Time today he at first bumbled a lie before making some kind of apology and blaming his social media team.

Here's a view of some of Chris Luxon's favourite NZ Heartland pics.

Te Puke

Palmerston North

Whangarei Heads


Monday, 25 July 2022







OK, as you no doubt expected I inserted some clips of the song 'Stormy Weather'.

Ethel Waters version was the first and they each have something going for them, showcasing the individual voices of the singers. Personally I think that Billie Holiday's version is the best as it has that sad and damaged edge to it that was part of her persona.


Anyway - moving on ..... we've been having a hell of a storm up here for the last couple of days. It's the second worst storm we've experienced in the 12 years we've lived here. The worst, back in 2011, I wrote about: STRANDED IN PARADISE

No chairs have blown over on the deck as, sadly, these have gone to the old chair place in the sky. No pumps have been needed either and we haven't had to hire a portaloo. We've been leak-free as well since replacing the old wooden sash windows with new aluminium ones and the new roof we installed back in 2015 has weathered the storm.

I heard the fire station alarm go off a few times and have seen the fire-truck hurtling off with lights flashing, through the storm. I feel sorry for the volunteer firemen who have to go out in this and hope that the call-outs have been for fallen trees, blown-off roofs and slips rather than car accidents. Sadly, up here as, I guess, everywhere, many of the drivers are foolish and don't drive to the conditions preferring to barrel along on wet roads at the same speed as they do on dry roads. Years of playing racing games on video consoles are probably to blame and they'll only learn through empirical knowledge when they end upside down in a ditch.

There are reports of fallen trees, slips and flooding and no doubt there will be fallen power poles so I've replaced the gas bottle that feeds the stove-top and charged up the torches.

A road near us

I've had to put wet weather gear- waterproof over-trousers, rain-slicker and gumboots on a couple of times to retrieve rubbish bins, a wheelbarrow and sundry other things that have blown away plus to check on the roof, the sheds and the basement doors. Apart from that it's a day to stay indoors.

How's your day going?

Sunday, 24 July 2022


 * "Don't make a grown man cry."


The Old Girl and I played pool on Friday evening for the first time in about 6 months.

We normally play some music while playing a couple of games so I turned on the stereo system to get a CD going.

No luck. The CD changer just kept searching even though I moved the disc, turned the machine off and on again. Nothing.

Oh well, The Old Girl got her cellphone and found some music - Miles Davis Sketches of Spain - and tried to connect to the bluetooth speaker.

Nothing. Not a sausage.

I got another bluetooth speaker from another room.

Nothing. Not a peep.

Undaunted, I tried another speaker.

It refused to recognise the source so, nothing.

I tried another.


I then got out my iPad and went through the procedure again with all speakers trying to connect. Nothing.

I then started up YouTube on the iPad and we listened to the music -Miles Davis Sketches of Spain - which was OK but the speaker on the iPad is a bit 'tinny'. The broadband connection then began to fade a bit - I'd removed the WiFi booster from the snooker room a while ago to boost the TV reception in the rear lounge for The Old Girl to watch her crap action and romcom films and series.

It's enough to make you want to spit. All this bloody technology and little result.

I 'fired' up the old wind-up gramophone and we listened to some scratchy old records. The sound was a bit crap but at least the bloody thing worked.


Saturday, 23 July 2022


 I've got things to do - important things - but it's a cold and dreary day today so I'll stay inside and read, blog and make a nuisance of myself until The Old Girl suggests that I go out shopping or something.

I've got a good blog post on technology planned and might get around to it later. Meantime - it's MEAN time so here's a song for Richard and his latest band (yet to appear anywhere) The July Guys Trio.

This band is so new they don't yet have band photos, bios, gigs or even any music yet. Never mind, early days eh.

THESE GUYS (to the music of 'These Eyes' by Guess Who).

These guys -  will try every night for you
July - could be their great debut
It's certain to be, yeah
And you can see them for free, no, no, no
You just wait and see, yeah
An' you'll like it, an' you'll like it, oh no
These guys'll watch you come to the world at an end
It's Himitangi -  let's try not to pretend
It's certain to be, yeah
And you can see them for free, no, no, no
You said you'd come and see, yeah
An' you know it, an' you know it, mateys
These guys are tryin'
These guys have had  a lot of gigs
But they're never gonna see another one like the PBs had it's true
These guys are tryin'
These guys have seen a lot of gigs
But they're never gonna see another one like the PBs had it's true 
These guys are tryin'
These guys have seen a lot of gigs
But they're never gonna see another one like the PBs had it's true 
These guys'll cry every night for you
They long to play their songs for you, again
These guys are tryin'
These guys have seen a lot of gigs
But they're never gonna see another one like the PBs had it's true 
These guys are tryin'
These guys have seen a lot of gigs
But they're never gonna see another one like the PBs had it's true  
These guys are tryin'
These guys have seen a lot of gigs
But they're never gonna see another one like the PBs had it's true  
These guys are tryin'
But they're never gonna see another one like the PBs had it's true 
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Don't ya know these guys'll be tryin' every night (weather depending)
And they need you back at the pottery!

Friday, 22 July 2022


 * Yes, you read that correctly, The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ takes pride in producing posts of quality, character and with the minimum amount of obscenity and salaciousness but Richard from Richard's Bass Bag is experiencing some technical issues at present. He asked if The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ could publish a post for him.

"Thought Robert might enjoy this picture but I can't post up here."

He said ungrammatically in an e-mail to me accompanied by with this cartoon:


Wednesday, 20 July 2022


Driving home from a weekly shopping trip to town today I listened to an interview on National Radio with a guy who is building and promoting a kit-set house: HOW TO BUILD A HOME IN 13 HOURS 

I'm all for this as basically the old ways of building houses aren't suitable to today's living requirements.

As luck would have it I wrote a post on this back in 2018.*


I looked at this old post of mine, from years ago, and realised that an update to it is unnecessary as it is so prescient and 'on-point' that adaptation isn't needed. 

Some readers who have read comments that I've put on previous posts of mine and on other's blog posts might suggest (unfairly) that I'm padding out this post by referencing an earlier post. That criticism is beneath me so I wont respond to that.

* The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ is ahead of its time with innovative ideas that are beneficial to readers, particularly the ones that read the posts properly.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

SAME OLD ........

 ..... bugger at the tennis today who I argue with started another argument - this time about gun control in New Zealand. He wants no control and believes everyone should have guns in case of burglars, home invasions and I suppose the Easter Bunny coming down his chimney armed with a Kalashnikov.

It's not surprising given his right wing and anti  views on everything from Ardern and the Labour government, vaccination and mask wearing mandates, LGBT rights, abortion, climate change -in fact, anything diametrically opposite to my views.

Another member voiced concern at yet another Auckland shooting and asked what can be done about it. I suggested another gun amnesty to remove more unwanted and unneeded guns from the system. This set Mike* right off. He wheeled out the old 'it will only remove guns from the licensed and responsible people, not the criminals' argument. My response to this was "where's the negative? Surely removing any guns from the system, in households that might be robbed and the guns stolen by criminals is a positive." This of course went to deaf ears like asking Robert to explain the silly things in the Catechism, Mass and the Catholic Church.

Mike then wheeled out the very silly "guns don't kill people, people kill people' argument asking "what's next - do we ban hammers, knives, clubs etc.?" I joined in to this agreeing that they should, including pillows, scarves, prescription medicines and boring double bass solos all of which can be dangerous in the wrong hands. I also proffered banning cricket bats as once suggested by another old fool, the now deceased Duke of Edinburgh.

Prince Philip, husband of the Queen of England, usually keeps his mouth shut in public. Today people were reminded why.

He waded into the gun control debate here, prompted by the fatal shooting of 16 children and a teacher by a gun club member in Scotland in March, by suggesting that banning handguns made about as much sense as banning cricket bats.

"I mean, look, if somebody, if a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?"

Washington Post December 20, 1996

 I wonder what we'll argue about on Thursday? I haven't broached the religious debate yet. Maybe it's time.

* Mike is his real name.

Monday, 18 July 2022


Paula Bennett, the failed National MP and one-time (abysmal) Minister of Social Welfare has been trying to reinvent herself via spots on dire television game shows and writing op-eds for NZ Herald. She believes that it's necessary to 'keep her face out there' so that the public won't forget her. I for one won't forget her as I remember that she was one of the worst National MPs and the worst Minister of Social Welfare.

One of her recent op-eds is this: JACINDA ARDERN AND THE INSIDIOUS RUMOUR MILL

Bennett, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, tries to play the passive aggressive game here by appearing to defend the PM against unfounded (and unstated) rumours about her relationship with her partner.
I have been asked more times than I can remember if x is true about one or both of them. I am not in their lives and do not have intimate knowledge about them and I believe their private lives are exactly that – but I always answer no it's not true. - Paula Bennett
What a tosser. She won't elaborate on what she has 'heard' but still manages to throw some shit hoping it will stick. This bag of s...... bones (now) went on to say:
My politics and ideology differ a lot from Jacinda Ardern's but as a woman, mum, partner and politician I would stand at her side and suggest everyone just leave her private life alone.
I have heard intelligent, respectable people repeating gossip about her. They all know someone who knows someone and as such they know it is true. Just because something is repeated a lot does not make it true.
- Paula Bennett

In the same article you'll see that she also tries to throw some shit at Winston Peters and a Green MP

 If I had a dollar for every time I heard about the untrue demise of Winston Peters and rumours of poor health then I would be a wealthy woman. I don't think a Green MP washes her hair in her own urine but this was told to me numerous times and as if it is fact.

This is clumsy and is akin to how schoolgirls act on the playground when bullying others. 

Karl Puschmann, Culture Editor and Entertainment Columnist for New Zealand Herald reviewed one of Bennetts's TV shows:

Paula Bennett, former Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, proud Westie, on-the-record opposer of tougher gun laws and hypocritical benefit-slasher during her two terms in government as the Minister of Social Development and Employment, is now the host of the worst game show on TV.  It's called Give Us a Clue but, really, Give Us a Break would've been more apt.

Nice one Karl - I agree.

Bennett  has said that she still needs a stage ....

 ........  but as far as I'm concerned the stage she needs is a stagecoach headed right out of town ASAP.



No, not her.

I was looking at Neighbourly yesterday and saw that someone recounted how they'd bought a car back in the 1970s for $1199. This got me thinking, as it does, of what I bought my cars for.

1948 Austin Eight - $99

1962 Triumph Herald - $399

1963 Hillman Super-minx - $599

1965 Hillman Super-minx stationwagon - $799

1976 Ford Escort - $1099.

After that I had company cars so didn't buy them until after I retired and bought:

2008 Peugeot - $39999

2006 Toyota Ist - $4999

2016 Toyota Corolla - $17999

Now - wasn't that interesting.

Sunday, 17 July 2022

HISSY FIT - ***coming soon***



"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"


 So Richard is now writing parables. Have a look at his latest two Posts: RICHARD'S BASS BAG

These of course don't make any sense as most Christian parables didn't. You might as well read Grimm's fairy tales.

Richard's attempt though certainly gives the silliest Bible ones a run for their money like this one:

Leviticus is one of the ugliest books in the Bible with idiots murdering each other in some sort of silly attempt to please god - an imaginary being. This god though is a mean spirited, selfish and overbearing bastard. He's also extremely fussy. He/she/it doesn't want offerings from 'blemished' people including - "a blind man, a lame, he that hath a flat nose… or a man that is brokenfooted, or broken handed, or crookbacked, or a dwarf, or hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken” - Leviticus 21:17-24.

Whoopdy do! Is this why Robert believes that the Bible is the best book ever written?

Friday, 15 July 2022



I note that Chris Luxon has lost significantly in the latest polls after his poor handling of National's 'message' on abortion after the US Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade overturn.


National Leader Christopher Luxon's personal support has crashed 5.6 points in the latest Taxpayers' Union-Curia poll, following his mishandling of abortion politics - although National's support remained largely steady.
Luxon polled 22.4 per cent as preferred prime minister, netting just over half the support of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who scored 41.2 per cent, up 1.5 points.
David Seymour was up half a point to 6.1 per cent, trailed by former prime minister John Key on 3.7 per cent, up 1.3 points.
Commentary released with the poll suggested Luxon's personal support "dropped off after the United States Supreme Court's abortion ruling".
After the US Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to an abortion, Luxon struggled to clearly promise National would not change abortion laws if it were in government in New Zealand. 

You should have put a condom on Chris.