Friday 14 April 2023


The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt yesterday referenced Richards's dotage. 

Now Robert, the other half of this popular blog's readership is showing similar problems of old age and forgetfulness.

For casual readers, Robert has been banging on about Lent - the silly Catholic religious observance that has silly Catholics giving up nice things like sex, chocolate, sleeping in and wearing fluffy slippers for a 6 week period leading up to Easter Thursday. They do this to please their imaginary god very much like pagans have done forever with sacrificing virgins, burning food offerings, painting their faces and the soles of their feet and waggling their bottoms to the sky. Anyway Robert, for reasons known only to himself has, as a Lenten sacrifice, been taking a dip in a paddling pool in his garden each day regardless of how cold it is. Kind of like this:

That's all very well but this silliness was supposed to end on Thursday last week. As of yesterday, as reported in his blog post Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner, toilet cleaner, threatener of eternal damnation, and music snob.  is still immersing himself. Now, given Wellington's cold autumns and winters, this is very silly behaviour (it is Catholic though) and is likely to give the old guy a cold at least.

I'll keep you posted on developments but must tell you - the prognosis isn't good.

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