Friday 7 April 2023



Well, it's Easter again and I guess a lot of people are having fun going to church at least four days in a row.

I don't.

Not anymore.

Actually it'd be about 57 years since I did that going to church through the Easter weekend thing. I've got better things to do with my time like ... and, um ... OK it's a grey and drizzly day up here - maybe I should wander along the road to the cute little multi-denominational settlers church and see what they're up to.

Being multi-denominational they're unlikely to have a gory depiction of a crucified Jesus on display but they might be singing some hymns. I checked the internet to see what sort of songs are sung on Good Friday assuming that they wouldn't be cheery ones. Here's what I found:

Mmmm ... neither maudlin nor upbeat. Maybe I should take a list of sad songs with me:

No, maybe not, they're all self-indulgent.

The internet told me what to do in church on Good Friday:

 I guess I won't be doing that. Instead of turning right at the bottom of the drive I'll turn left and walk down to the jetty where the fishermen gather. There'll be greater odds of seeing Jesus there. At least the water's calm enough to walk on.

It's an OK Friday so far - not particularly good but then, not bad either.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Actually, it's funny how it's called Good Friday when that's the day the guy died. It'd make better sense to have Good Sunday and Shit Friday.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I find holy week hard. The one and only true church which is the Catholic Church changes Mass times on Holy Thursday to 7.30 in the evening! I think there might be a Mass at 3pm on Good Friday. I'm not sure.
Just for clarification "The guy" that dies is the second person of the trinity, who created the Universe and will be judging everyone in the end.


Thanks for that. Christian Doctrine was my worst subject at school.
I wonder why?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Where is today's post?