Monday 12 June 2023


1) It's cold but not as cold as yesterday.

I checked the temperature and it had plummeted to 13 degrees this morning. Brrrr!

2)  Did I mention that it's cold this morning?

3) As my back is on the mend I went for another walk today (first one was yesterday). I went along the coastal bush track to Reotahi and sat on my favourite bench at the top. This provides great views across the bay and harbour.

The port

The half decommissioned Marsden Point refinery

The harbour

My favourite tree

The jetty

Mount Manaia

4) Home again and it's warming up. I might have to cool things down with the heat pump set to 'cool'.


I wonder what the other bloggers are up to?

Richard wrote a new post that consisted mainly of him moaning about things.
Here's a few things that he's unhappy about:

1) It's cold down there.

2) There aren't enough kids at school (normally he complains that there are too many kids at school). 

3) It's still cold down there.

4) He has to go to a jam (normally he complains that he doesn't have a jam to go to).

5) He has to tidy up the spare living area because a friend is going to arrive imminently - at Christmas time! FFS! Maybe he should go to the airport now and find a carpark - just in case! I swear - he's getting worse.

6) He's got the heater on full but it's still cold.

7) He's complaining because his son gave them a fancy coffee machine that's beyond his understanding. No doubt he's already munted it by putting it on a stovetop element.

It's no use going over to Robert's blog. He's probably still shagged out from writing that 50 word post on Sunday. Either that or the nitrates from the hot dogs have got to him.

"You've been eating hotdogs again haven't you?"


Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, that was a positive post.


Yes, I wonder what influenced me?


12 degrees this morning. The ice age is coming!