Wednesday 14 June 2023



I'm reading T.S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral today.

Thirteenth-century manuscript illumination depicting Becket's assassination

Murder in the Cathedral is about the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral during the reign of Henry II in 1170. 

I first read this in the sixth or seventh form at St Pat's College. The lay English teacher Arthur Naylor presented it to us. He also had us read Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory about a renegade 'whisky priest' living in the Mexican state of Tabasco in the 1930s, a time when the Mexican government was attempting to suppress the Catholic Church. 

I'm not sure whether there was a subtext in Naylor's selections but admit that I half expected to arrive at school one day  to discover that old Naylor had run amok and shot all the priests.

I do have a fertile imagination.

This isn't the last post today. There's bound to be another one and I still haven't told Robert what my dinner plans are.


Richard (of RBB) said...

That read like a fill in post.


Wait until you read the Religious Curmudgeon's post.