Friday 23 June 2023


 The New Zealand Herald sent me some good news in an e-mail.

There's no blaming any global financial crises, the pandemic, shipping and transportation costs etc. No, the NZ Herald merely congratulates itself on how well they are doing and have the temerity to suggest that with upcoming popular sporting events they will be busy (busy making lots of money) and, because these events will be so popular they will increase the subscription price - " .. to invest in our journalism".

"We're committed to delivering the highest-quality journalism to our readers, and the price increase reflects the investment we're making in our content and services. We're confident that the value you receive as a Herald Premium subscriber is worth the increased price."

Fuck 'em! 


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

It's like the Dominion since it went only.
No printing and delivery costs but they still charge about the same. Actually more if like most people you only bought the weekend edition.
Sue and I said Fuck 'em too!

Richard (of RBB) said...

That's often the case when things go only.