Friday 7 July 2023


 A random old guy whose blog I occasionally follow got a bit uppity with his latest post, taking a high stand against other bloggers. He criticised them for the mundane content of their recent posts along with the usual blathering on incorrect grammar. The funny thing is though that he stuffed up his spelling in the heading which was in large and bold type! Pathetic really.

In the post he pontificated on blog post content saying:

This of course didn't stop him from wittering on (thanks Robert) about violin practice, a visit to a dull part of the country, real estate dabbling and, as per usual, his indulgence in cheap wine drinking.


However - this post is about something else - prompted by some silly thing or other that Robert wrote on his blog.

Robert, the guy who describes himself with ever increasing adjectives, often quotes nonsense from the bible and mentions some of the arcane practices (I wonder if they practise them?) of the Catholic church. Here's the latest - it's a doozy:

He believes in this sort of stuff - his god only knows why. It seems to me that the above 'exposition' and other bits of nonsense like the eucharist, the assumption of Mary, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the immaculate conception, heaven, hell, angels, satan, the last judgement etc. is the result of poorly cobbled together snippets of historical myths and fantasies. Christianity and in particular the Catholic church is good at 'borrowing'  bits from older religions and repackaging them as their own. They don't worry about inaccuracy and inconsistency as Mark Twain famously said: "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.".

Much of what Robert quotes comes from the Bible from both testaments. It doesn't seem to worry him the 'truths' in this storybook have been interpreted and reinterpreted and misquoted and fictionalised from folk tales and handed down verbal narratives over many centuries.

Truth certainly doesn't get in the way of a good story here.

The trouble with translations of passed down things is that they are like Chinese Whispers and original meanings are lost:

Brian Flemming, a documentary maker who made The God Who Wasn't There as he wanted to show that the 'biblical Jesus' is a myth said this:

With apologies to that afore-mentioned random old guy who doesn't like large chunks of writing copied from somewhere else.


I guess that you've gathered that it's a cold and rainy day up North.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Is this an attempt to replace an already prepared post on what you intend to have for dinner?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Shame on you!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Robert won't read this!

Richard (of RBB) said...

If he does, I'm converting to Catholicism and will back Tent Horn all the way!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I read it. But I really want to know what you had for dinner. At least that would be believable.

Richard (of RBB) said...

The 1964 boys, along with selling hosts for profit, always made things up.


"At least that would be believable." - said Robert the guy who believes that a man who died over 2000 years ago was born from a virgin who was impregnated miraculously by an angel and, after dying, was resurrected and then flew up into heaven where he sits with his father who is god and his mother who was hauled bodily up there. This man has promised to return to earth (overdue) and through another miracle allows bits of his body to be consumed by Catholics daily but it seems that there's plenty to go around. This man's father created the world apparently and controls everything in it but so far hasn't been able to stop murder, wars, famine, suffering, inclement weather, rape, child abuse, global warming and that bastard who dented my car in the supermarket parking area. Give me a break.